Thursday, January 15, 2015


“Women” is the plural word of the "Woman".  So, who is a Woman?   I can define that word, as “Woman is a female human being”.  God has imagined and created her in such a way and awarded her to this earthly world.  She is a strong and an out-going personality.  She comes as a mother, daughter, sister and a wife within the family circle.  She is the most outstanding figure in a family.  No one can under-estimate her in anyway.  That is why the world has recognized her abilities, skills, talents and the wonderful love, kindness, caress in her heart now-a-days.  Therefore, there are several International celebrations Days for women, such as International Girl Child Day - 11th of October, International Women's Day - 8th March and International Mother's Day (March or May) to appreciate her contributions to the planet home.    Women have unbelievable strength and courage, which will come out, when the need arises.

Millions of women hold white-collar jobs around the globe in social, political, financial, education, health, media and advertising at the present context.   Now, there are lady pilots and so many decision makers in well-established organizations, as manageress.  Also, women get a lead in the battle field, as police officers, army officers navy officers and in the Air Force, as well.   Women hold significant positions, such as writers, authors, models, dancers, singers, teachers, announcers, secretaries, clerks and artists, as well.  In the 20th Century, they participate in the sports, too.  
Presently, women obtain Nobel Peace Prizes for the service they attribute to the world.  Malala Yousafzai is an excellent example for the wellspring of psyche of women.  She is a Pakistani girl, who was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of 17 years.  Likewise, ***the Nobel Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded to women 47 times between 1901 and 2014.  Only one woman, Marie Curie has been honoured twice with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.  This means that 46 women in total have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2014. *** (  This shows the brightly burning spirit of women.  Another admirable figure is "Mother Theresa", who has been honoured with numerous Prizes, including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her sacrifices and contributions to the people in the world.  

Women, as house-wives do silent work for her family, but their own husbands are not ready to recognize and to appreciate her work willfully.  This is an unfortunate situation of a woman.  As widows and divorcees, women take care of house chores and children all alone.  Being the bread-winner of the family, they face a lot of troubles, problems as wind storms and plague of demons in the society.  This is a very infelicitous situation, which women are under-going in any country of the globe.  But, she has a will power, which will come out in a smooth way during a problematic era in her life. 

Therefore, as a woman, I request all of you to recognize and to understand her soul and give a salute to her expertise and capabilities, without hesitation. 

  - Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

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