Monday, January 19, 2015


In the olden days, everyone thought the women born to marry, bear children, stay at home, while doing all the house chores, taking care of husband and the children and end up with slaves and doormats.  Always father, husband, brothers and sons take the domination of the women in the home environment and the social environment.  Women will not be able to study further in ancient days.  After age-attaining, they have to get married and to stay at home, doing the house chores.  This is a very unfortunate situation of women. 

But, nowadays this situation has been changed.  Women attend to studies and more open and independent in the present context, specially in the West.  But, in the Asian region, this situation is still not being recognized in favour of women.  But, Sri Lankan women are more fortunate than the other countries in the region.  Still the Arab countries do not give 100% independence to women.   In some Arab countries, women are not allowed to go in the street alone, drive vehicles and cannot wear a beautiful out-fit without abaya.  Though the Koran says that the women will be treated as equal human beings and protect them from the unethical events, men misuse these sayings and dominate the women in every way.  Not only Muslim religion, every religion says to respect and treat women equally.  But, men are not willing to give her the correct place in the society.

There are a lot of state and private organizations to help women to refrain them from day-to-day harassments in every country.  But, still we cannot say that the women are having same equal powers with the male gender.  We can see everywhere how women face so many insults, harassments, hardships and assaults by the male society.  Women will become victims of plenty of domestic violence, sexual and mental abuse everywhere in the globe.  Though everyone says that the women get equal consideration from the society, still there are differences between female and male positions.  Male is always dominating the society.  Women are underestimated by their own husbands, boyfriends, male colleagues, as well.  Harassments virtually can be against women as verbal, physical, sexual or psychological.   If you touch a woman in public is also an offense.  These things can be happened in the day-to-day activities by her own male family member, such as husband, brother or an elderly male in her domestic environment or by her work place counterparts, colleagues, male bosses, seniors, as well.  According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (UDHR) adopted in 1948, enshrines the equality among men and women.   Though it is such, women are treated as dolls and sexual ornaments for men.

Though we hear about several unfortunate humiliation situations and rapes are being facing by the women, these cases go unreported.  Unfortunately, certain cultural and traditional barriers are protecting the women from seeking the support of law.  If a husband torture his wife, the family, neighbours, society and close friends will not take any action against the husband, thinking that it is not a crime, but it is a part of the husband's right.   These kinds of happenings will go unnoticed.  Unwed mothers are facing the full accusation from the society, though it is someone else's mistake.  Rape is the one of the most ancient violence against women, but more than 50% of the rape cases are not being reported, because victims do not want to bring the shame to their families by publishing those incidences and do not want to go to courts to seek the protection of the law.

In the work places, male dominants do not like to give an opportunity to a female to go up in the ladder in the same profession or to take a decision on an important task.  Though men do not like to admit, it is a known fact that jealousy is one of the main reasons, why males do not allow a woman to climb up into higher ranks in her career.  I can personally agree with this statement, because in the former employment, where I was attached, I faced the same problems with my boss, who was a male.  When we used to show our talents and skills, men do not like to give us the credit and appreciate the undoubted work, we rendered to the Organization.  If a woman tries to stand-up against the crime and takes an action against it, then she will be the laughing stock among her own staff members. 
The up-coming technology, too, is being used to abuse women by taking photos and editing, merging and developing with unnecessary images.  Also, some women are harassed by latest technological components, such as digital phones, cameras, computers and so many Internet software packages, like facebook, skype, twitter and so on.  

According to my knowledge, this situation can be prevented from educating children from the childhood in the schools, religious classes to respect their mothers, sisters, daughters at home and equal female colleagues, friends in the schools, work places and the society.  Though the women are advanced by educating themselves in every field at present and taking numerous top ranking positions in the society, such as prime ministers, presidents, cabinet ministers and white collar positions, it is an unfortunate situation to note that majority of the women do not aware of the actual rights and law regulations, prevailing to safeguard them from the harassment, violence, domestic abuse and crime.
Therefore ladies, please stand-up against the crime, violence, abuse and take necessary measures to bring the back-boneless perpetrators to the public and court houses! 

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

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