Saturday, January 24, 2015


This is a new era, which is depending on inspirational digital components.  No matter, whatsoever, juniors, seniors, youngsters and whole world is fascinated with technological marvel, irrespective of the age. 

Our ancestral days, children's main amusement was to play with dolls and other toys.  But, in the present context, everyone's supreme curiosity is based on present day technology.  Day-by-day a new appliance will be released to the world market with high power mechanism, such as mobile phones, tablets, i-pods, i-pads, computers and so on.  Young children are being educated to be innovators of pushing the boundaries and change the landscape of technology.  This mafia will strive to create awesome elite to the young generation to fulfill the marvelous job opportunities prop-up in the ever-increasing job market in the world. 

Though the people could afford or not, everyone will have a greed to be an owner of a brand new, advanced and modern digital utensil.  It will show their wealth and the level of living status, according to their state of mind.   A good knowledge about the digital appliances will support the children to have access with anyone in the far end of the world.  They have an opportunity to make friends and to have connections with them lively through a screen.  Without talking to an unseen person, this will somewhat help them to see the person and to make a bond with a known personality.

Young generation attach with unknown people all around the world through these contemporary highly demand equipment.  Though in one way it is good to know fellow people in the city of world, this will mislead to have unnecessary connections with unwanted people.  Specially, girls should take measures to prevent from unnecessary association with unknown people. 

Sometimes, you may not aware of the other person. He might be a sex maniac or a drug addict or a murderer in the under-world or a terrorist and he will mislead you to be a victim of a bad behavioural character with an evil motive.  Due to the present-day advanced technology, your face can be merged with some other's body or your own photo might go to every corner in the globe in an unpleasant way, without your awareness.  This will affect your character and will bring shame to your family back-ground, parents, siblings, relations, friends and neighbours.  Therefore, as young gals, you should be alerted of these disputes, when you are dealing with unknown people around the globe through the advanced magical ornaments. 

Young ladies, beware of the developed and modest technology and refrain from unfavourable relationships! 


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