Friday, December 11, 2015


"Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader"  - Margaret Fuller

Reading is fantastic, if one could have, as a hobby.  If you are used to read, books will be your forever friends, who will be there with you through - out your life.  When you are reading something, may be a book, a newspaper, a magazine, an article or any other document, you can develop your knowledge about the people, art and craft, cookery, food, gardening, landscaping, electrical and electronic equipment, mechanical work, engineering, medicines, medical treatments such as Western and Ayurvedic, continents, countries, animals, birds, insects, species, fish, water, oceans, lakes, rivers, canals, ships, boats, all kinds of vehicles, aeroplanes,  mountains, fauna and flora, indoor games and outdoor games, various climates, prevailing in the world, cinemas, photography, sky and clouds, rain, planets, ancient kingdoms and kings, famous people, great leaders, scientists, human body, geographical situation and whatever you are interested in learning about.  You can gain a vast knowledge of anything and everything by reading.  It will help you to advance your vision and mission.  

From the inception, we should make our children to read about everything, as they are very curious about their neighbourhood, when they are small.  We can start - up with story books and then they will use to read about other subjects, as well.  This will help them to enhance their general knowledge.  Children should not stick only to read their text books, which they use to pass the exams. Children should know about their atmosphere and about the fellow citizens.  Apart from them, they should know about the other species, who are living in their surroundings.  It will support for them to choose their future careers, as well.  

Some children would like to learn about human body and to be doctors, some would like to know about the space and to be space scientists, some may be talented in dancing or music and to be artists, some may like to be media representatives or writers, mechanics, engineers, electricians, teachers and so on. 

Reading will help anyone in this world from young people to elderly people.  Children who used to read from their childhood, will be good in writing, also, because, they are familiar with letters numbers and sentences. They will show extra talent in other subjects in the classroom, as well. Reading should not be framed into one subject or to one topic.  You should read about various fields. Nowadays, apart from hard books, you have electronic books and you can read from Internet, as well. It is a good sign for our children, as they are more attached to Internet related programs now. Reading can be done at home, in the garden, in a park or when you are traveling in an empty bus, train or travelling in an aeroplane or a ship. One way, reading is like one type of a meditation. 

There are things that we need to learn until we go to our grave.  When you grow old, your spouse might die and the children might get married and leave you.  If you are used to read, then you do not feel lonely at any moment.  Remember, Books are good companions !

Reading gives us some place to go, when we have to stay where we are !!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Sigiriya is another artistic place in Sri Lanka.  According to the folklore, the name of "Sigiriya" derives from the word "Sinha Giriya".  Sinha means "lion" and the giriya means "rock/hill".  So the meaning of Sigiriya is Lion Rock.  This name would have come to this wonderful rock, because there is an enormous Lion at the gateway of the rock.  This is an ancient fortress in Sri Lanka.  This rock kingdom is situated closer to the city of Dambulla, in the Matale District of Central Province of Sri Lanka.

King Dhathusena is the father of King Kashyapa.  Since King Kashyapa was the eldest son of the King Dhathusena, he was asking the dowry from the King Dhathusena and King Dhathusena told that his dowry is "Kala Wewa" (a Lake), which is in Anuradhapura. King Kashyapa got angry with his father, he has seized the throne from the King Dhathusena, while throwing and wailing his father alive.  

King Kashyapa was scared of his half brother, Prince Mugalan, who was the real owner of the throne, after the King Dhathusena.  Prince Mugalan has been fled to India and organized an army to fight against King Kashyapa.  In the meantime, King Kashyapa has brought the capital and the kingdom to Sigiriya from Anuradhapura. Therefore, this Rock fortress has been created and built by the King Kashyapa.  He has done a marvelous job by constructing his new kingdom on the top of the rock. There were palaces, parks, water fountains on the top of the rock and in the surrounding area.    

This rock is 200 meters (660 feet) high,  King Kashyapa was a very creative person, as he is the one, who has got done the beautiful world famous wall paintings on the walls of the rock. There are "Kurutu Gee" (poems) written on the walls of the rock.  They are very famous among the world.  One time, it was nominated for the 8th wonders in the world.  Today Sigiriya is a UNESCO listed world heritage. 

It is our duty to protect these world famous heritages in Sri Lanka !!!

**Some facts have been taken from**

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Old is Gold

Olden age is the precious age among the three stages in the life.  When you reach to your Old Age, you are thorough in everything.  You have gained a very good experience in life, whatever good or bad.  You know what mistakes you have done previously and at least, now you can put yourselves in the correct path.  Or else, if you think, now you do not have time to adjust, you can, at least, help the youngsters to make their lives perfectly.  Everyone do not get a chance to experience in everything in the life.  You can learn the other things from your friends or relations, what and what hardships they have undergone and what are the things they think to keep - up the lives in a perfect way.

Whatever the experience you gained, it is good, if you keep your health in order.  Must do regular exercises, walk daily, eat healthy food and have a good sleep.  You would have under-gone a tough life in previous days.  So, this is time to rest and keep - up yourselves, without any mental agonies.  

Do not keep grudges against anyone, as it is like you are taking poison, thinking that other person to die.  So, forgive and forget.  This is the time that you really understand, all are not the same. Different people are having different ideas, behaviours and qualities.  So, accept all and you go on your way of quality life.

Don't think much on little things.  There are good and bad things, that you have to undergo, through out your life.  Everyone has to under - go different things during the life path.  So, you are not the first one or the last one that experienced bad things and sad things, as well.  That is the life.  Anyway, at this stage, you faced everything and come upto some extent.  So, you should be happy and now is the time to have fun.

Don't give up love life.  Love you partner, love your family, love your friends and love your neighbours.  Take time to read about love and love everyone, who are around you.

Keep - up your hobbies.  If you don't have one, start now!!!  You can do reading about everything, such as Autobiography of famous people, then you come to know that most of the things that you come across, all the others, too, have come across, upto some extent in their lives.  You can do gardening and when your plants blossom with flowers and fruits, you will be cherished.  You can distribute them among your own family, friends and neighbours.  Then you will feel to grow more and more.  You can write some documentaries, blogs and articles to Newspapers or to the Internet. When they are published, you will cherish and you will feel to write more and more!!! 

Don't give - up to think about your outer personality.  It is worth to take time to go to the salon and make your hair, do a facial, do your eyebrows, manicure and pedicure.  Once in a way, go for a head massage and foot massage.  You will have a thorough relaxation.  

Go to a park and spend time with children.  Go to the beach and look at the waves for sometime.  It will give you a good experience of your life.  Waves are going up and down, as if your life.  There are ups and downs in the life, too.  You can breath good air and can have a good relaxation, when you go to the sea beach.  You can do Yoga or meditation.  That, too, will give you a good relaxation. 

Once in a way go to a coffee shop, lunch or dinner or to a movie with a friend.  You can talk about your past, how you cried on a silly boyfriend and you can have a good laugh.  Now, there is no secrets to cover - up from anyone.  All the stupid things, you have done in your small age and young age, now you can wipe - off with a good laugh!!!

Try to learn something, you loved to learn, such as a different language, to play a musical instrument, or to make cakes or attend to a cookery class.  You can marvel your grandchildren or friends, with what you learn.  

Have chats with youngsters and learn whatever you can get from them.  Don't criticize them or their work! They are the future of this world.  They will direct the world as per their choice and desire. Surely, you can advise them, but not under-estimate their thoughts and work.  They are better in current technology. You can learn them and try to keep an e-mail circle and be a partner of the new techniques.  

Do not take care of what others would think or tell about you.  That is none of your business.  Give them the freedom to think or talk, as per their wish.  You do whatever you like, as far as, your behavior is not guilty or harmful to anyone.  

Go on a trip, once in a way with your family or friends and enjoy the situation.  Attend to the religious activities in the temple or church, weddings, parties, graduations, musical shows.  If you can afford, travel all around the world.   Help the people, whenever you get a chance! Admire other's good qualities!  Praise their good behavior !!  Wish the Best of Luck for others !!!  



- Mrs. Shrimal C. Wickremasinghe - 


Sunday, July 12, 2015



Jaya Shri Maha Bodhi Tree is situated in Anuradhapura, which is the capital city of North Central Province of Sri Lanka.  It is said to be the southern branch of the Shri Maha Bodhi at Buddhagya, India, which is known as the oldest tree in the world.  It is, also, known as the "Sacred Bodhi Tree", under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment.  Some says that this is a sapling of sacred Jaya Shri Maha Bodhi of Buddha Gaya in India.  Whatever, it is belonging to the Sacred Bodhi Tree, under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. 

After Arahath Mahinda, who was the son of King Asoka, then emperor of India, brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka from India, King Devanampiyatissa requested King Asoka to send some sacred treasure of Lord Buddha from India, under Arahath Mahinda's advice.  So, the King Asoka sent his daughter, Sangamitta Therani, who is the sister of  Mahinda with the branch of Shri Maha Bodhi Tree to Sri Lanka by a beautiful ship.  She has been first landed at  "Mathagal", a village situated in the Jaffna Peninsula and handed - over the plant to King Devanampiyatissa.   

This sapling planted in the "Mahamewna Park" in Anuradhapura by the King Devanampiyatissa, while chanting "seth pirith" by the Buddhist Monks, with a great ceremony, in the presence of large number of assemblage with royal guests.  This sapling was planted in Anuradhapura 247 years before Christ was born and on an "Uduvap Full Moon Poya Day" in the month of December.  This was planted in the 3rd century B.C.   It was planted on a high terrace of 6.5 meters from the ground and surrounded by railings to protect from wild elephants.  It is recorded in the ancient Pali and Sinhala Books that eight seedlings from this tree were planted in eight selected places in Sri Lanka and one at the "Dambakola Patuna", where Sri Sangamitta Thera landed with this plant.  

Several Kings in Sri Lanka took several steps of protection of this Sacred Tree, by putting up a wall and a water canal around it.  At present, the canal is not to be seen, but there is a Golden Fence around the Sacred Tree.  Other fig trees also give the full security to this Sacred Tree, by storms and other animals, such as monkey, bats, etc.  

This Sacred Tree "the Shri Maha Bodhi" in Anuradhapura is known as the oldest tree in the world, with a recorded history of 2260 years. This Sacred Tree is very worthy and a leading light to Buddhists in Sri Lanka and all around the world.  We can be proud, as a nation that the oldest tree is situated in our country - Sri Lanka.  

It had some illnesses some years back and then government has taken immediate measures to treat the sacred tree by the foreign phytologists.  This Sacred Tree is a Great Mature Giant for our nation and the country.  It is like the heart of Buddhists.  Buddhists are keeping Bodhi poojas, offering milk rice, worshiping with flowers, oil lamps, making vows and telling all of their enormous problems to this sacred tree, as if telling to an existing Lord Buddha.  They make several wishes under this Sacred Tree, with a belief that their wishes will be fulfilled.  There are a plenty of worshipers are going there through - out the year and observing precept (Atasil) on the full moon poya days here.  This Sacred Tree is very famous all over the planet.   It is our - Sri Lankans duty and responsibility to protect this dignitary tree for the future!  


**Abstracted some phrases from and and Junior Observer of 15th December, 2015.

- Mrs. Shrimal C. Wickremasinghe - 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Young Age

Young age is also a marvelous age in the life.  Youngsters are full of strength, energy and courage.  They try to explore the world with eagerness and with enthusiasm.  Their hearts are full of love.  They can award a lot of things to the world by learning and gaining experience. 

They should listen to their parents, elders and the society.  They can make a huge change in the planet.  They should not go after wrong.  They should try to be honest, faithful and dutiful.  They are the future of the world. 

The adults should not find wrong in their activities always.  They should not be criticized and their actions should be welcome and if there are any mistakes, they should be taught correctness of their activities. 

Young blood is aggressive.  But, it can be calm by loving them and welcome them, as they are into the society.  Like adults, they do not have much experience in life, but nowadays, they are the genius of the current world and new fields like technology, computing and science.  So, adults should learn from them the new fields and must teach them the value of the good behaviour.  Also, they should be taught and made them listen to the adults and make the world better by learning from the adults' life experience ! 

We must understand the needs of the young.  We must convince them that they are part of the world and they are the leaders of the world tomorrow.  We must make them to understand their position in the present context properly and accurately.  Afterwards, we should give them remarkable roles for them to achieve their goals.  Young are the strength of one's nation and country.   Likewise, every country must have a good and better young people to make their country a rose garden, without hassle, war and unnecessary battles. 


- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Small age is the fantastic age in one's life.  There is no any responsibility.  Everyone pass the small age and come to young age and olden age.  When you arrive the old age only, you realize how fun was the small age.

When we were small, we had a fine time.  We were like free birds.  We ran after butterflies.  We danced like life never ends and time will never pass - away.  Parents provided all we need and we only had to consume whatever they give to us.  We had to go to school in a certain age and read.  We thought in that time, it was the difficult period.  But, when you reach to the olden age, you know the value of the small age.  

Our parents, adults and all the other people loves children.  They admire what we do and act. Children are the angles in this world.  They love everyone and each other.  They do not have any grudges against anybody.  Their minds are very beautiful, mild and pure like flowers.  They love drawing, dancing and music.  They love to play immensely.  

Sometimes, children teach good things to the adults.  They teach adults to keep away the anger and hatred from one's life.  They teach adults to make friends, amidst the differences of religion, race and creed.  Their hearts are full of love and kindness.  They have pure and open minds.  They never treat people according to their financial situations.  

It is our duty to help them to carry - on their good behaviour through-out their lives.  Also, we must support them to keep - up their love and kindness along their path. We must teach them that there is no difference in between races and all are human beings.  Therefore, every one should be treated in the same equal way.  

Adults have to help small ones to keep - up happiness and joy through - out their way of lives.  We have to help them to understand and face ups and downs in the life in a positive mood.  Then they should have sense of humour along their lives.  It will help them enormously in their long run.  We must think of contributing best things to their small age to make them happy, as that age will never come in their lives again.  It is our - adults' duty and responsibility to provide a peaceful and loving atmosphere for small ones to enjoy their precious small age!!!

Happy Small Age!!!  

- Mrs. Shrimal C. Wickremasinghe - 

Friday, June 12, 2015


Water is a transparent fluid, which forms streams, water falls, rivers, lakes, oceans, rain and atmosphere.  Its' chemical sign is H2O.  This means, water molecule contains single Oxygen atom and two Hydrogen atoms. Water is  very essential to our lives.  All the living things, such as humans, animals, trees and creepers, too, need water.   Water is the only thing, which has three configurations, such as liquid form - water, solid form - ice and gaseous form - water vapour in the world.  It also exists as snow, fog, dew and cloud.  We can survive without food for nearly one month or so, but without water, we cannot survive even one week.  So, the water is an indispensable requirement for the human life and over-all for all known forms of life .

Water covers 71% of the earth, as seas and oceans, ponds, streams, water falls, lakes, rivers, ice bergs, clouds, air and so on.  Only 2.5% is the remaining freshwater, prevailing in the earth.  From that water, 98.8% is in ice bergs and in groundwater.  Even the smaller amount of the earth's freshwater is in the biological bodies and in the manufactured items.  The water in the human and animal bodies are in the form of blood, sweat, hormones, enzymes, saliva, mucus, etc.  Although, human body is containing water, we need to take water into our bodies from outside, as drinking water and through food.  We need water to bath and clean ourselves, too.  Also, we need water to clean our utensils, clothes and other things, which are lying in our surrounding area.  Trees and creepers take water into their system through their roots from the ground, but for small saplings, which we plant in our home gardens and in pots, we have to water them regularly.

Water on earth moves continuously through the water cycle of evaporation and transpiration.  People need water to cultivate food.  Without water, we cannot imagine, how we are going to survive, as water is a significant part of our lives in many ways,  Ancient kings in Sri Lanka knew about the value of the water and they made huge tanks, as lakes, and they collected every drop of rain water in those lakes.  Even still our farmers and people, who are living in remote areas use this water for cultivation, bathing, washing and for drinking purposes.  Using springs, people dig wells and use the clean water for their various needs.

In Middle East countries, they used to purify the sea water, spending a large amount of monies, as those desert lands are lack of water.  This decontaminated water is being used to water the trees and for washing purpose.  Some countries import clean drinking water, while spending a lot of money.   The people, who are having clean water for their consumption in their own lands are very fortunate people.  Therefore, we must try to protect water, as much as possible.

We should avoid wasting water, which is very vital and precious thing in our lives.  Historically, the people used to worship natural resources like water, as they knew the usefulness of this translucent liquid.  Unfortunately, now-a-days living creatures are running after the artificial things and never bothered to secure the natural sources, like water.  They do not try to protect water, but to waste it lavishly, without thinking twice of the importance of it.  We hear that no rain and the nature is dry everywhere in the globe and the ice bergs in the world are melting gradually.  Once you loose something only, you feel the worthiness of it.  We hear that our neighbouring country, India, too, is loosing drinking water slowly.

We, Sri Lankans are blessed with uncontaminated water, but in the past few years, we heard about  terrible water scarcity in the remote areas in the South and North.  Our own brotherly folks suffered very much, without water.  Therefore, this is the correct time to think to secure our natural resource - water, which is needed by all the living beings.

Like our ancient folks, we have to take precautions to protect water, as much as possible.  If we see any tap is leaking in the road, office or somewhere, we have to inform to the relevant authorities and get it repaired, as quickly as possible.  Also, we must help the Government to make new lakes, tanks, and public wells,  We, also, can clean and protect the old lakes to fortify water to enable people to make use them for their day-to-day necessities.

Please open your eyes now itself and take necessary measures to give a helping hand to preserve this essential and  magnificent liquid - WATER ~~~!!!  

**Abstracted some facts from

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

Thursday, June 4, 2015


In spite of other countries in the world, Poson Full Moon Poya Day is very consequential for Sri Lankans, as Arahat Mahinda brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka from India, with his other group. Arahat Mihindu is the son of one of the most exemplary rulers in the world - the Emperor of India,  Ashoka, who then governed the Northwestern territories of the Mauryan (Modern day Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan) in the 3rd Century BC.  For Buddhists in Sri Lanka, this hallowed day of Poson is second only to Wesak, in terms of importance. 

Arahat Mahinda and his team has come to Mihintale of Anuradhapura and met the ruling King Devanampiyatissa, when he was hunting deer in the forest.  Though Poson is celebrating through - out the Island, Mihintale (situated in Anuradhapura) is the center of celebrations of Poson, because Arahat Mahinda has delivered his initial discourses to Primier Devanampiyatissa and his group. King Devanmapiyatissa and his multitude of army has been converted to Buddhism then and there.   Afterwards, Poson Full Moon Poya Day/Poson Festival is being celebrated in June annually through-out the country.  

With the establishment of Bikkhu Sasanaya, all the other elements of a civilized society, such as art and craft, art of writing, literature, river civilization, religious rituals of song and dance forms have been emerged, with the support of royal patronage.    

People make pilgrimages to Mihintale and Anuradhapura during Poson Festival Season, as the Arahat Mihindu first put his foot to preach Buddhism on the top of the hill of Mihintale and his sleeping cave and the pond, which he used to bathe, are also situated in the Rock of Mihintale.  That is why the Mihinthalaya is called as the "Cradle of Buddhism" in Sri Lanka.  Devotees from every corner of Sri Lanka  worship the temple at Mihintale and then climb-up the top of the mountain and worship Dagabas, which lies  all around the hillock.

There are a plenty of religious activities, such as campaign of observing precept, bodhi pooja, oil lamp pooja, Poson devotional songs, almshouses - offering free food and drinks to people, such as, rice and curries, beli fruit flowers, coriander, sago, tea, coffee, etc.  Mihintale and surrounding area of Anuradhapura are being decorated by various coloured bulbs, Poson Lanterns, Pandol (thorana), which commemorate the Jathaka Katha (Stories of Lord Buddha's previous births) in various sizes and shapes.  Those Poson Lanterns and Pandol are embellished to sparkle and glitter for eye-catching of the adults and children, as well.   These decorations make a wonderful scenic and picturesque beauty in the night of the Poson Day.  

Other temples in Sri Lanka, too, are organizing many devotional activities on behalf of Poson Festival.  People get dressed in white to observe Atasil in the temples and attend to various kind of religious activities during Poson Full Moon Day.  There are a lot of almshouses in every city and village to offer free food and drinks for the people.  

This mighty festival of Poson is significant for all living creatures, who understand the devoutness and sacredness of a religion, which means the authenticity of the mankind.  

Poson Full Moon Day has been fallen on the 2nd of June in this year - 2015.

**Abstracted some facts from :

- (Mrs.) Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Sunday, May 3, 2015


VESAK derives from the Pali word "Vesakha" and in Sanskrit word "Vaisakha".  Today, the 4th of May, 2015, the Full Moon Poya Day, we celebrate Vesak Festival on behalf of the BIRTH - ඉපදීම, ,ENLIGHTENMENT  - බුදුවීම (Nirvana) AND PASSING AWAY  - පිරිනිවන් පෑම (Parinirvana), the three significant circumstances of Lord Buddha - Gauthama Buddha. This is very important festival of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

The Buddhist countries in the Asian regions, such as India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, Japan, China, Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, etc. celebrate this festival with delight in various dates - mostly from April, May or in June every year. The names they call for Wesak is varied from country to country, as per their language.  Our Lord Buddha - Gauthama Buddha showed us the way of Life and how to get-on with a meaningful life with understanding for both of ascetic and household humans.  Lord Buddha showed us the path to make us free of birth - if there is no birth, then there is no death.

Generally, we, Sri Lankans celebrate Wesak Festival in May in every year.  If there are two full moon Poya days, fallen in the month of May, as a very rare case, then we, Sri Lankans, celebrate the Vesak Festival on the first Poya Day.   May is a very attractive month, where trees and creepers blossom with tender leaves, various kinds of flowers and fruits.  We get rain, as well as sunlight during the month of May.  It is a very fruitful month among the twelve months of a year.  We get Wesak, just after Sinhalese and Hindu New Year, which is fallen in April in every year.
We need a religion to manage and maintain our lives with good manner, self-discipline, kindliness, love, respect, good behaviour, gratitude, calmness and to spend a stress-free life.  Buddhists and followers hoist the Buddhist Flag in their houses and temples. They go to temple to worship Lord Buddha, offering flowers, oil lamps, incense smoke (by lighting joss-sticks) and giving alms to Buddhist Priests and beggars.  Also, Buddhists observe eight precept in the temple whole day of Wesak Poya Day (Buddhists observe eight precept - ata sil - අට සිල් in other poya days, as well).

People and children make Wesak Lanterns and pandol, on behalf of Wesak Festival. There are competitions of Wesak Lanterns, organized by several Buddhist and Cultural Organizations and at the end of Wesak week, the participants will be awarded with
various prizes, gifts of money and certificates.  Usually, the Wesak Lanterns and Pandol demonstrations are going-on for about one week. People will arrange alms houses on behalf of Wesak, by offering, rice and curry and various kinds of food and beverages.   In spite of the differences of their status of lives, any person can have food and beverages freely from these alms houses. Processions - පෙරහැර, with tuskers, elephants, dancers, drummers, etc. too, are taking place on  behalf of Wesak.  There are Dhamma song - Bhakthi Geetha - භක්ති ගීත demonstrations in temples and in Buddhist, State and Non-State Organizations, as well.

Wesak Full Moon Poya Day and the day following are public holidays in Sri Lanka.  Suppose, the Wesak Full Moon Poya Day falls on a week-end holiday (Saturday or Sunday) or any other Public Holidays, a holiday will be given on the next working day, on behalf of Wesak.  

People do several kinds of good work on Wesak Full Moon Poya Day.  But, it is not the real concept that Gauthama Buddha said and preached.  We have to understand the reality of Buddhism.  It is worth doing the good things and practice them through out our life. Whatever we do - good or bad- will come after us until we exist in this earthly world.  If we do good things through-out, we will get good things during this life, as well as in next birth.  We can make our lives in a better way by doing Dhana - දාන (alms givings), Sheela - ශීල (precept) and Bhavana - භාවනා  (meditation).  

We should do good work, helping others, practice love and kindliness frequently in our lives, without limiting them only in Poya days.  If we understand actuality of what our Lord Buddha - Gauthama Buddha - preached, we should spread - out love and kindness through out the planet, without any barriers.  We can make a better and lovely world, without any conflicts, if we follow our Lord Buddha's footpath.  Then there will not be any disputes among religions, nations, skin colours, countries or races. We can live in a PEACEFUL PLANET,  WITHOUT WAR & BATTLE !


Wednesday, April 22, 2015



Health is the most profitable thing we ever have in our earthly life.  It is said by our Lord Buddha as "Arogya Parama Labha".   The meaning of this saying is " Health is the noble profit in this life".  I am cock sure that everyone in this world will agree with me in this saying.  There is no any other betterment in any illness from cold to any other serious sickness.

When you talk about health, we cannot forget our mental health.  Always, body sicknesses will have a connection with mental illness.  If you are mentally depressed, your body will react accordingly. That means, your body, too, will show some ailment tallying with the mental illness.  

International Health also called as "Geographic Medicine" or "Global Health".  Health Care, generally attached with public health.  There are several Institutions, Agencies and Organizations, includiing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), working with the public health and medicines. We must take necessary preventive measures to avoid spreading the sicknesses.  Since the world population is increasing day-by-day, the sicknesses will be increased automatically, because of the environmental pollution.  Therefore, we must take every measures to prevent and avoid spreading the germs of all kinds of sicknesses among the human community.  Despite medical treatment, we have to improve sanitary, water supply, nutritious food, housing, proper education to safeguard citizens' health.  

There are a plenty of days, nominated for curing the Health of the people in the globe.  ( Monitor).

But, still the sicknesses are increasing all over the world, such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, heart ailments, blood pressure, cancer, AIDS, Ebola, etc.  Infectious diseases kill approximately fifteen million people each year and more than four million people die from AIDS, malaria or tuberculosis alone, around the globe.

Even in wealthy countries, you will experience the sickness of consumption of drugs, obesity, diabetes and heart ailments are spearheaded among their nation, as well.  Therefore, we have to get necessary measures, country-wise, nation-wise and religious-wise.  People should be educated via announcements, newspapers, new technology, banners, radio, television, CDs, VCDs, movies and so on.  Still we can use the social networking websites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Twoo,  Google, Linkedin, etc. to educate people and younger crowd to refrain from various diseases, which can be prevented easily.   

Process of eating habits, too, will improve the mental and physical health.  Rather than eating short-eats, snacks, oily and fatty foods from outside, it is better to have the home-made food with full of nutrition, such as Cabrohydrates, Vitamins, Iron and Fiber,  Always try to eat natural things, fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, leafy green vegetables, eggs, hereditary food and consume plenty of water.  Always, try to be in cleanliness.  

Please get-together to make Healthy People! Prevention is better than cure!! Long Lives!!! 

Friday, April 17, 2015


It is 14th of April, in most years, we, Sri Lankans celebrate our New Year in a grand way.  New Year is always falling on April and the New Year will be dawning on 13th or 14th of April. In 2015, the New Year has been dawned on 14th of April, and 13th is known as "Old Year".  This is a very famous Festival in Sri Lanka among Sinhalese, as well as, Tamils. We call it as "Sinhala and Hindu Avurudda" (සිංහල හින්දු අලුත් අවුරුද්ද).  According to the Sinhalese Astrology, New Year begins, when the sun moves from Meena Rashiya (the House of Pisces) to Mesha Rashiya (the House of Aries).  It is also a boundary of the end of the period of Harvesting of Paddy and the end of Spring.   

Generally, elders, as well as children are waiting to the arrival of New Year to start a new life.  People will clean, renovate and paint their houses for the New Year.  Also, they shop for buying new clothes for the whole family and buy new pots and pans to make milk rice (කිරිබත්).  Ladies of the houses will prepare special sweets to celebrate New Year.  Some of them are oil cakes (කැවුම්), kokis (කොකිස්), mun kavum (මුං කැවුම්),  asmi (ආස්මි), aluwa (අලුවා), athirasa (අතිරස).  All these food will make before the dawn of New Year and keep ready to eat at the auspicious time, according to the Sinhalese Almanac (ලිත) or Calendar.  But, they will prepare milk rice (කිරිබත්) only on the auspicious time, according to the Astrology.  There are several auspicious times given in this Alamanac to do several important things for the Sinhalese.  

First of all, we have to finish our house chores, according to the time given in the Sinhalese Calendar. That period will call as "Punya Kaalaya" (පුණ්‍ය කාලය).  At that time, we have to finish all the cooking and other things.  We have to go to the Temple and worship Lord Buddha, offering flowers and lighting oil lamps.  Afterwards, there is another time to start work, which is called as "Wada Alleema" (වැඩ ඇල්ලීම).  At that time, we have to light our fire place (or cooker in the present context, as most of the houses do not have firewood fire places) and start cooking milk rice.  Some people used to boil milk in the middle of the living room and then cook milk rice in new clay pots. When the milk rice is ready, there is another auspicious time to start eating, which is called "Ahara anubhavaya" (ආහාර අනුභවය). There will be a dining table full of milk rice, oil cakes, kokis, mun kavum, asmi, plantains and an oil lamp will be lighting at the middle of the dining table.  Before start eating, the eldest person in the house, most probably grandfather or father, if not mother will feed their children with a bite of milk rice and all the members of the family sit at the table together and start eating milk rice and other sweets.  After eating, they start giving plates full of all these food to their neighbours and visiting their relatives with food and gifts.  Children will offer beetles to the elders and worship them.  The other day, there will be another auspicious event, called as "Ganudenu kireema" (ගනුදෙනු කිරීම).  That means, children are getting money, mostly coins, wrapped by beetles from the elders.  In ancient days, all the villagers are going to headman of the village and they get these coins from him.  Nowadays, even Banks start this procedure and their customers go to their Bankers and deposit some money in their Savings Accounts and then Banks will offer a small gift, such as a mug, bag or an umbrella to their customers, who are coming to the Bank on the auspicious hour to do the money transactions.  There will be another auspicious hour to apply oil on the head and to have a bath.  This oil will be prepared with several kinds of special herbs by elders.  The oil apply will be done by a Buddhist Priest in the temple or by an elderly person in the home or in the village at a special place. Thereafter, another day will be nominated to start going to work.  In olden days, since most of the people are attending to agricultural work, they go to their fields to start cultivation work. But, nowadays, most of the people, who are residing in cities are working in offices, they cannot follow this procedure.  After that the New Year procedures will be over.  But, people will visit their relatives and some celebrate New Year Festivals in their villages during the month of April.  

There are several famous New Year games, which plays during New Year Season.  In the houses, children and adults play with five sea shells, call "Pancha Dameema" (පංච දැමීම), which is a very interesting indoor game.  Children and young girls, too, are riding swings during New Year Season. There are outdoor games, such as Kotta pora (කොට්ට පොර) - two people are fighting with pillows on a cudgel, Kana mutti bindima (කණා මුට්ටි බිඳීම) - a person, covered his eyes will break a pot of water hang on a line with a stick, Scraping coconut (පොල් ගෑම) - this will be done by ladies, Weaving coconut leaves (පොල් අතු විවීම) - this competition, too, will be done by ladies, keeping an eye on the face of an elephant (අලියට ඇහැ තැබීම) - an elephant will be drawn on a board and the person, with his eyes covered will go to the correct place and keep the eye on the elephant's face, Cross Country Running (ගම හරහා දිවීම), Competition of New Year Queen (අවුරුදු කුමාරි තේරීම), Fancy Dress Competition (විකට ඇඳුම් තරඟ) are some of the famous games at the New Year Festival Celebrations.  Some people and children are participating in these events and some are going to see these festivals and have fun with their friends and relations.  

During the New Year all the Sri Lankans are starting work together, eating together and firing crackers on the auspicious hours to announce all the people of these auspicious time.  It is a time to forget all the grudges they had and everyone get together to have fun.  This is a special function among Sri Lankans, which is originating from ancient days.  


Sunday, March 8, 2015


 If you are a woman, you can donate everything to every one in every day !!!

Again, another International Women's Day came on 8th of March, 2015.  It is wonderful to wish all the women across the globe A Happy Anniversary of International Women's Day!

When it comes to talk about "Women", we have to consider all the angles of women, such as social, financial, career, politics, marriage, domestic violence, rapes, tortures, physical and emotional side of the women in the world. Women act as several major roles in the society, as a daughter, a sister, a wife and a Mother.    

As a daughter, you are taking care of your parents, helping to their day-to-day work, doing house chores, cooking and preparing meals.  Also, once you educate well, you share the financial burden of your parents, too.   As a sister, you take care of your siblings and helping their educational activities. As a wife, you take care of your husband,  husband's parents and his siblings, as well.  As a mother, you are playing a role model to your adorable children and lovable husband.  

In ancient days, girls were not educated well.  Nowadays, everywhere in the world, girls are taking much interest of educating themselves and make them valuable among the world population.  Women take the lead in every sector of the career and they hold white collar jobs everywhere in the present context. They entered into the political sector and do a great deal of social work to the nation. Fortunately, the society is now try to make a room for the women gradually, but in a slow motion.  

While acting several titles of the society, unfortunately women face domestic violence, rapes, tragic deaths, disrespect, criticism, ignorance, disregard at home, society and her work place, still.  This is a very pathetic situation of women.  Though they bear the major share of the financial situation and attend to other work as well, still she gets disrespects, face domestic violence at home.  She contribute a major share for the economy of a country by working abroad and facing terrible situation in those countries. In my point of view, our society is not taking much consideration of her valuable contribution to the community.  

As far as my knowledge, even the high ranked women face unethical dishonourable and unprincipled incidents in their work place by the male companions.  Regrettably, most of the working women do not know the factual laws of the women's rights.  It is essential to keep seminars, workshops and conferences regularly for women to learn about existent laws against violence, abuse, rapes and all the misconduct being faced by them in their work places, in the society and at home and what action they can take against these improper manners.  

In the meantime, it is necessary to educate our sons from the inception to respect to their mother, and sisters at home, school and in the society.  It will help them to grow - up with open mind and to treat their female companions with equal rights.

Dear women, please try to gain respect by fulfilling your duties to the society, world and generation and spread out love and kindness across the world!  Be straight forward and take another step to prove your strength and courage to stand - up with equal rights with men ! 



Monday, March 2, 2015


Live the life, you've always wanted !!!

What is life?  Can anybody define this word?  In my view, life is a magnificent thing, if one can lead a meaningful and unforgettable life. Life is a spirit, which comes to the world and move away within a duration of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.  Nevertheless, life can stay in the minds of friends, relatives and people in the world, if we can donate treasures to the world.   Only a life lived for others is worth Living.

Ancient lives donated the future lives wonderful things, that cannot be forgettable by anyone today, tomorrow or in future. The things they donated to the world are such precious items, such as medicines, science, technology, education, love, spirituality and the support to the needy.  Unfortunately at the same time, some lives donated bad karma to the world, such as weapons,  guns, pistols, missiles, bombs and drugs, like heroine.

Life made all these things to create another life, develop a life or to end-up a life.  One should giveaway to the world something for a promotional purpose, something helpful or useful to upgrade another life, but not to tarnish a life.  Life's responsibility is to protect a life and not to spoil a life.   Since a life no longer a permanent thing, it is better to understand the reality and the target of life.

We came with life  to this earthly world to fulfill some task.  Therefore, we should  show the aptitude to cover - up its' obligation faithfully.  If we take the correct path, we can manage to achieve the intended assignment.  If it takes the wrong path, then it is the end of the life.  If we take the shorter steps, without facing barriers, using corruption, perhaps, we can enjoy the life only a short period. If we go along the correct and longer path, we have to face barriers and problems, but at the destination, we can be over-joyed by the results. At the end, we gain a lot of experience and can be satisfied with our mission.

Our lives have more powers, though we do not know about it.  One can use this unlimited power and can create a better world.  We are short-term tenants of this earthly world. Some of us understand the truth of a life and some may not.  It is our duty to make a better world for the future generation.

There were lives like, Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, who have spread-out the love and kindness through out the world.  Also, there were some people, who shook - out the world with hatred.  If we want to emulate our lives, we have to take the footsteps of the people, who taught the world "love, affection and kindness".  Then we can be a role model to the future lives and the new generation.  Life is too short to hate anyone.  

Sometimes, life is difficult for us and sometimes it will be smooth and calm.  It is better to face the difficult times and joyous times with a smile, because time will solve all the problems.  In my personal experience, I can guarantee that this is a correct saying. Because nothing will remain unchanged in this world.  Sadness and cheerfulness exchange every time through-out the life.  So, we should be happy and satisfied with what we have.  There are a lot of people, who are less privileged than us.  In that case, we are better- off and at the first instance, must try to support a needy person.  

Life is like a question paper and we have to find out the answers.  Some answers may correct and some may wrong, because we never get a life with an answer sheet.  We may loose in some subjects, but win in some with a highest score.  So, do not worry, live according to your heart!   But, do not forget to love, laugh, cry, worship, thank, support and feel the nature's gifts.  Time will fly and life will over, one day.  Well, live and love fully, have a cup of coffee with friends, make a funny trip with your family and with all these things, do not forget to stop to smell a ROSE!!!

Life is not a bed of Roses, but please don't give-up!!!


- (Mrs.) Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The World

The world, where we are living is a wonderful place.  One can experience a lot more things in this earthly world.  If we donate good things to the world, it will shine back to us, but if we give inferior things to the world, it will give imperfect results.  

Now-a-days, people go behind materialistic gains, such as money, wealth, profit, business and the humanity will go down to the bottom of the list.   Many people get more things and majority will get less things.  So the world is being imbalanced.  I think everyone living in this world should have same possessions - water, food, shelter, love, education, support, medicines and spirituality.  World has been isolated from good qualities now.  Almost, several people and countries are under massive problems due to some unethical problems.  

This situation will create a bad impact to the world and the living beings, mostly on human beings.  If the people are under pressure, they release an unpleasant ambiance to the nature.  Then the world will get distract and it will reflect  unacceptable atmosphere. This environment will put unnecessary enforcement on people - us, such as droughts, floods, gales, wars, earth slips, earth quakes and tsunami. Then the people are being humiliated by one another.  People will suffer, without water to drink or to do cultivation, starvation, misplacing, diseases, deaths and depression. 

That is why, there are a lot of disputes in the world today.  Various kinds of wars, battles are being spearheaded between religions, races, nations and countries, due to unnecessary differences.  All these conflicts are budding through the minds of people.  Otherwise, there are no any other differences among the skin colour - white or black, religion, race, nations, etc.  Blood is red in everyone's body.   But the angle and the way of looking at things are different.  World will react against these differences by putting pressure on natural forces.  If the nature is unpleasant, it thwack on people unhealthily.  

To make this world a paradise, we  - human beings should grow better qualities within themselves. To do this, we should see through our hearts and inner truth.  We should love each other and help each other, whenever the need arises.  We must respect each other and respect to ourselves, as well. We have to spread love, gratitude, peace and value among everyone's lives, socially and spiritually. We should keep the ego aside and treat everybody in the same way.  

I want to see a wonderful change in the near future through-out the world.  All of us love to see a breathtaking beauty of nature with full of fauna and flora.  I believe that all of us love to live in a peaceful, friendly and creative Mother Earth.  Perhaps, if all of us try to change the world into a welcoming atmosphere, without wars and unpleasant disputes, we can win the world.

Hey, do not think it is too late. Still we can change the world into a heaven! Therefore, please come forward to change the world to a rose-coloured and tranquil Mother Nature!!!

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015



Valentine's day is being celebrated by many countries of the world on 14th of February, each year, though it is not a public holiday.   This, of course, known as "Saint Valentine's Day", as well. Actually, what is this Valentine's Day?

In ancient days, Priest Valentine of Rome has performed weddings for soldiers, who were forbidden to marry in Rome, under Roman Emperor.  As a result, though St. Valentine was imprisoned by then Emperor of Rome, he was remembered by everyone as "Saint Valentine" and this 14th of February became a world famous Valentine's Day.  But, there is no link of Valentine and romantic love until 14th century.  

In this scenario, this day came into consideration of young lovers in the recent days.  On this day, couples are exchanging red roses, gifts, candy and Valentine Greeting Cards.  A lot of programs are being organized by several social institutions to entertain young lovers.  They arrange fun trips to beautiful places, parties and festivals for romantic lovers to participate in them.   

Do we need a particular day to love and being loved?  Can't we love each other every day and keep our hearts full of romance in every minute?  Ask your heart and let me have a proper answer for this question. Perhaps, some people would like to celebrate a particular day of Love.  But, think twice!!! We cannot go on, without love.  

We need love from somebody.  Our planet is floating on love.  Without love, we cannot think of anything.  Every man and woman need love.  Love can bring any hard bitten person to a mild and tender-hearted person.    

Everybody expect love from their closely associated family members, friends and mates.  Animals and birds, too, need love.  Love birds are famous among lovers.  All living beings need love and romance.  Love spreads over generations to generations.  Real love cannot welcome hatred, jealous or antagonism.  

Let's keep love and romance with us all day long!  Love should not last!  Love does not have any barriers, such as age, colour, race or religion.  So, we celebrate Valentine's Day every second of the Year, until the world famous Love Day of 14th of February will be dawning!!! 

Keep Love! Keep Romance! Keep life moving forward ..................!!!

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

The World

The world, where we are living is a wonderful place.  One can experience a lot more things in this earthly world.  If we donate good things to the world, it will shine back to us, but if we give inferior things to the world, it will give imperfect results.  

Now-a-days, people go behind materialistic gains, such as money, wealth, profit, business and the humanity will go down to the bottom of the list.   Many people get more things and majority will get less things.  So the world is being imbalanced.  I think everyone living in this world should have same possessions - water, food, shelter, love, education, support, medicines and spirituality.  World has been isolated from good qualities now.  Almost, several people and countries are under massive problems due to some unethical problems.  

This situation will create a bad impact to the world and the living beings, mostly on human beings.  If the people are under pressure, they release an unpleasant ambiance to the nature.  Then the world will get distract and it will reflect  unacceptable atmosphere. This environment will put unnecessary enforcement on people - us, such as droughts, floods, gales, wars, earth slips, earth quakes and tsunami. Then the people are being humiliated by one another.  People will suffer, without water to drink or to do cultivation, starvation, misplacing, diseases, deaths and depression. 

That is why, there are a lot of disputes in the world today.  Various kinds of wars, battles are being spearheaded between religions, races, nations and countries, due to unnecessary differences.  All these conflicts are budding through the minds of people.  Otherwise, there are no any other differences among the skin colour - white or black, religion, race, nations, etc.  Blood is red in everyone's body.   But the angle and the way of looking at things are different.  World will react against these differences by putting pressure on natural forces.  If the nature is unpleasant, it thwack on people unhealthily.  

To make this world a paradise, we  - human beings should grow better qualities within themselves. To do this, we should see through our hearts and inner truth.  We should love each other and help each other, whenever the need arises.  We must respect each other and respect to ourselves, as well. We have to spread love, gratitude, peace and value among everyone's lives, socially and spiritually. We should keep the ego aside and treat everybody in the same way.  

I want to see a wonderful change in the near future through-out the world.  All of us love to see a breathtaking beauty of nature with full of fauna and flora.  I believe that all of us love to live in a peaceful, friendly and creative Mother Earth.  Perhaps, if all of us try to change the world into a welcoming atmosphere, without wars and unpleasant disputes, we can win the world.

Hey, do not think it is too late. Still we can change the world into a heaven! Therefore, please come forward to change the world to a rose-coloured and tranquil Mother Nature!!!

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

World Radio Day!

World Radio Day is being celebrated on February 13th of every year.  The radio was invented by an Italian Scientist Guglielmo Marconi and as a result of this invention, Marconi won the Nobel Prize in Science in 1909.  Wow!!! Marcorni, we thank you profusely for this precious and valuable invention, as it was the main structure, which derived to find many more technologies, such as Internet, Mobile Communication, etcetera to help everyone in the globe to make use of them to proclaim innumerable wondrous things around the planet!  Through this system, you can reach anyone in an isolated area and it will help in numerous way to the young crowd, who cannot stay without mobiles, i-pods, i-pads, tablets and many more present-day technological equipment. ( of Radio)

After about 100 years of period, many people involved in bringing the radio in the current configuration.  Several people started their experiments on connection between electricity and magnetism.  After a hard work carried-on by then scientists, electromagnetism has been developed by James Clerk Maxwell, which prognosticated the existence of electromagnetic waves.  While using the electromagnetism, scientists gradually found wireless telegraphy and developed its' component upto the current formation.  Several electrical or electromagnetism signals can be transmitted over a significant distance, without interceding wires.   
( radio day)

Wireless sounds can be transmitted through ground and water, as well.  This is very useful for sailors.  They can send messages through wireless radios to another ship or to shore (may be through an antenna).  This method will help lot of travelers, who are thousands of miles in the sea away from the ground.  If they face any danger, they can communicate at once with the shore.  It will help to detect the spot, where those who are in danger and to prevent from accidents or deaths.

Radios are still in use everywhere in the globe.  Anyone can get any news, information from the other end of the world directly then and there.  In 1969, July 20th,  when the Apollo 11 was gone to the moon with Neil Armstrong and few others, I could remember listening to the news telecast through a small Unic Transistor radio, then we had in Sri Lanka, about the journey to the moon.  Still, I enjoy listening the radio, while I am doing house chores and working on my computer.  But, the new radio has much more facilities, rather than the Unic Transistor  Radio, I was listening to, during several decades ago.  

Radio sets, too, are being modified, like any other instrument, which are prevailing in the planet at this moment.  It is more compatible to the present-day world.  It is a multimedia component and is combined with cassettes, which we can put CDs and to hear only songs or any other communication.  This will help housewives to get the news and some entertainment or to communicate, while attending to their routine work at home.   

Still the security forces in all countries use radio systems to send and receive messages from their counter parts about sudden mishaps, accidents, news or any other important announcements. All the newest technological gadgets, which are being used by majority of the people of the world, specially young people, relate to these radio systems.  So, the radio is playing the major role, as a bridge to connect people and other cultures together.

So, World Radio Day is a very important day for us.  Lets get-together to celebrate the importance of the  Radio and we should try to brighten - up its' prospects further in the future !!!

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

Friday, February 6, 2015

ජීවිතයේ  අසිරිමත් අවදිය පාසැල් කාලයයි!

"නෙලුම් මල් පිපුණු දෙවැට දිගේ පාසැල් ගිය කාලේ............................
තවත් වරක්.........., තවත් වරක් මට පාසැල් යන්නට ලැබුනොත් මම යනවා............
තවත් වරක්.......... තවත් වරක් මට පාසැල් යන්නට ලැබුනොත් හරිම අගෙයි...........! " - ක්ලැරන්ස් විජේවර්ධන

දුවේ, පුතේ, ඔයාලා ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුගෙන් හෝ ඔයාලගේ අම්මිගෙනුයි, තාත්තිගෙනුයි ඇහැව්වොත්, එයාලගේ ජීවිතයේ ප්‍රියතම කාලය මොකක්ද කියල, ඔයාල දන්නවද ඒ හැම කෙනෙක්ම දෙන උත්තරය?  එයාල එකපාරටම කියයි, "අපි ඉස්කෝලේ ගිය කාලය" කියල.  එහෙම කියන වෙලාවට එයාලගේ ඇස් දීප්තිමත් වේවි, කට කොණකට සිනාවක් නැගේවි! ඒ මොකද දන්නවද?  එයාල ඒ වෙලාවට ඒ ඉමිහිරි අතීතයට නොදැනුවත්වම ගිහින් නිසා.  ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, ඔයාල නම්, මගේ අදහස් එක්ක දැන් එකඟ වෙන එකක් නැහැ.  නමුත් මම දන්නවා, පුංචි ඔයාලත් වැඩිහිටියන් බවට පත් උනාම, මගේ අදහසට එකහෙලාම එකඟ වේවි කියල.

දැන් නම් ඔයාල හිතනවා ඇති,  "අනේ ඉස්කෝලේ යන එක කොයි තරම් අමාරුද?" කියල. මොකද............උදේ නැගිටින්න ඕනේ, පාඩම් කරන්න ඕනේ, හැමදාම ඉස්කෝලේ යන්න ඕනේ, ගෙදර වැඩ කරන්න ඕනේ, නැත්නම් ගුරුවරුන්ගෙන් බැනුම් අහන්න ඕනේ.  එහෙම නේද?  සමහර විට ඔයාල ගේ ළඟ ඉස්කෝලෙකට යන්නේ නැත්නම්, ගොඩාක් පාන්දරින් වාහනවල හිර වෙලා, තද වෙලා යන්න ඕනේ.  ඒවා පුංචි ඔයාලට අමාරු නැහැ'යි කියල මම කියන්නේ නැහැ.  ඒත්........... පුතේ දුවේ, ඔයාල වැඩිහිටියන් උනාම ඔයාලට වැටහේවි, ඒවා මොන ප්‍රශ්ණද කියල. 

ඉස්සර මම පුංචි කාලෙත් ඔයාල වගේ හිතුව තමයි.  මම හිතුවේ අපේ තාත්තලට නම් තමන්ට  ඕනේ දවසට, වැස්ස දවසට එහෙම ගෙදර ඉන්න පුළුවන්, සල්ලි ලැබෙනවා, එයාලට ඕනේ ඕනේ දේවල් ගන්න පුළුවන් කියල.  ඒත් .......... මම වැරදි බව මට වැටහුනේ ඊට ගොඩක් කාලෙකට පස්සේ.  රැකියාවක් කරන්න ගත්තට පස්සේ, තමන්ගේ හිතුමතේට ගෙදර ඉන්න පුළුවන්කමක් නැහැ.  එයාලට අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම සම්පුර්ණ කළ යුතු වැඩ කොටසක්  තියෙනවා. නිවාඩු තියෙන්නෙත් අවුරුද්දටම සීමිත ප්‍රමාණයක් විතරයි.  ගුරුවරුන්ට හැර, අනිත් රැකියාවල නියුතු අයට ඔයාලට වගේ නිවාඩු නැහැ.  ගුරුවරුන් උනත්, ඔයාල වගේ පාසැල ඉවර උනාම ගෙදර ගියත්, එයාලට අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම කළ යුතු වැඩ කොටසක් ගෙදර තියෙනවා.  ඒවගේම පසුවදා, ඔයාලට ඉගැන්විය යුතු පාඩම් වලට ලක ලැහැස්ති වෙන්න ඕනේ.  ඒවගේම, එයාලට ලොකු වගකීමක් තියෙනවා ඔයාල ගැන.  ඒ කියන්නේ, ඔයාලගේ අනාගතය නියමාකාරයෙන් සකසන එක.  ඒක ඔයාලගේ අම්ම තාත්තට වගේම, අනෙක් ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුට තියෙනවා.   වගකීම කියන දේ, ඔයාල හිතන තරම් ලෙහෙසි පහසු කටයුත්තක් නොවෙයි.  එක හරිම භාර දූර ක්‍රියාවක්. 

ඒ වගේම, ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුට තම තමන්ගේ පවුලේ කටයුතු, අසල්වාසීන්ගේ කටයුතු, සමාජ කටයුතු වගේ නොයෙකුත් දේවල්වලට සහභාගී වෙන්න ඕනේ, ඒවායේ වගකීම දරන්න ඕනේ.  නමුත් මොනවද ඔයාලට තියෙන්නෙ? අම්ම තාත්ත ඔයාලට කැමති දේවල් කන්න බොන්න, අඳින්න දීල, ඉස්කෝලේ යන්න අවශ්‍ය දේවල් සපයල දීල,  තවත් අමතර ඔයාල ඉල්ලන දේවල් අරන් දීල, ඔයාලගේ ජීවිතය සර්වප්‍රකාරයෙන්ම සාර්ථක කරන්න, සතුටු දායක කරන්න තමයි එයාලගේ ජීවිතේ කැප කරන්නේ. 

ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, වැඩිහිටියෙක් වශයෙන්, මවක් වශයෙන්, මම මේ කියන්නේ, ඔයාලගේ ඒ සුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය නිකරුනේ, අසුන්දර දේවල් වලින් පුරවා ගෙන, සුණු විසුණු කර ගන්න එපා!  මොකද?  ඒ සුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය ආයෙත් කවදාවත් ඔයාලගේ ජීවිතේට එන්නේ නැහැ.  නමුත්, ඒ මනස්කාන්ත කාලය වැඩදායි විදිහට යොදාගෙන, දෙමව්පියන්, ගුරුවරුන්, වැඩිහිටියන් කියන හොඳ දේවල් හිතට අරගෙන, ඒ අවවාද අනුශාසනා හොඳින් පිළිපැද්දොත්, හොඳින් ඉගෙන ගත්තොත්, ඔයාලාගේ අනාගතය ඉතාම විචිත්‍රවත් ලෙස සකස් කරගන්න  හැකි වේවි! 

ඔයාලට පොතේම ඇලී ගැලී ඉන්න ඕනේ කියල මම කියන්නේ නැහැ.  ඔයාල සෙල්ලම් කරන්න ඕනේ, යහළුවන්ව ඇසුරු කරන්න ඕනේ, සංගීතයට ඇහුම්කන් දෙන්න ඕනේ. සින්දු කියන්න, නටන්න, උත්සව වලට සහභාගී වෙන්න ඕනේ.  ඒ සියලු දේටම කාලය සැකසුරුවම් කමින් බෙදාගෙන, සුදුසු ලෙස කාලය ප්‍රයෝජනයට අරගෙන, ගමට, රටට, ලෝකයට වැඩදායි පුරවැසියන් උනොත්, ඔයාලගේ ලෝකය ආකර්ෂණීය කර ගන්නට හැකි වේවි! ඒ වගේම ඒ තත්ත්වයට ඔයාලට ලඟා වෙන්න  උදවු උපකාර කළ දෙමව්පියන්ගේ, ගුරුවරුන්ගේ සහ සියලු වැඩිහිටියන්ගේ ප්‍රර්ථනා ඉෂ්ඨ කිරීමට ඔයාලට හැකි වේවි!        

ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, ඒ අතිසුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය, ජීවිතය පුරා නොමැකෙන සිහිවටනයක් කර ගැනීමට මතක තබා ගන්න.  එවිට, ඔයාලා  වැඩිහිටියන් වූ විට, පුංචි දුවෙක් පුතෙක් ඔයාලගෙන් "ජීවිතයේ සුන්දරම කාලය මොකක්ද?" කියා විමසු විට, දැන් වැඩිහිටියන් ඔයාලට දෙන උත්තරය වගේම, "අපි ඉස්කෝලේ ගිය කාලය" කියල උජාරුවෙන් කියන්නත්, දීප්තිමත් ඇස් වලින්, කට කොණකට සිනාවක් නඟාගෙන, ඒ අතිරමණීය අතීතයට සිතින් පියමං කරන්නත් පුළුවන් වේවි! 

හිටියොත් හොඳට හැඳී, දෙවියොත් නමට වඳී!

- ශ්‍රිමල් චම්පිකා වික්‍රමසිංහ -