Thursday, February 12, 2015

World Radio Day!

World Radio Day is being celebrated on February 13th of every year.  The radio was invented by an Italian Scientist Guglielmo Marconi and as a result of this invention, Marconi won the Nobel Prize in Science in 1909.  Wow!!! Marcorni, we thank you profusely for this precious and valuable invention, as it was the main structure, which derived to find many more technologies, such as Internet, Mobile Communication, etcetera to help everyone in the globe to make use of them to proclaim innumerable wondrous things around the planet!  Through this system, you can reach anyone in an isolated area and it will help in numerous way to the young crowd, who cannot stay without mobiles, i-pods, i-pads, tablets and many more present-day technological equipment. ( of Radio)

After about 100 years of period, many people involved in bringing the radio in the current configuration.  Several people started their experiments on connection between electricity and magnetism.  After a hard work carried-on by then scientists, electromagnetism has been developed by James Clerk Maxwell, which prognosticated the existence of electromagnetic waves.  While using the electromagnetism, scientists gradually found wireless telegraphy and developed its' component upto the current formation.  Several electrical or electromagnetism signals can be transmitted over a significant distance, without interceding wires.   
( radio day)

Wireless sounds can be transmitted through ground and water, as well.  This is very useful for sailors.  They can send messages through wireless radios to another ship or to shore (may be through an antenna).  This method will help lot of travelers, who are thousands of miles in the sea away from the ground.  If they face any danger, they can communicate at once with the shore.  It will help to detect the spot, where those who are in danger and to prevent from accidents or deaths.

Radios are still in use everywhere in the globe.  Anyone can get any news, information from the other end of the world directly then and there.  In 1969, July 20th,  when the Apollo 11 was gone to the moon with Neil Armstrong and few others, I could remember listening to the news telecast through a small Unic Transistor radio, then we had in Sri Lanka, about the journey to the moon.  Still, I enjoy listening the radio, while I am doing house chores and working on my computer.  But, the new radio has much more facilities, rather than the Unic Transistor  Radio, I was listening to, during several decades ago.  

Radio sets, too, are being modified, like any other instrument, which are prevailing in the planet at this moment.  It is more compatible to the present-day world.  It is a multimedia component and is combined with cassettes, which we can put CDs and to hear only songs or any other communication.  This will help housewives to get the news and some entertainment or to communicate, while attending to their routine work at home.   

Still the security forces in all countries use radio systems to send and receive messages from their counter parts about sudden mishaps, accidents, news or any other important announcements. All the newest technological gadgets, which are being used by majority of the people of the world, specially young people, relate to these radio systems.  So, the radio is playing the major role, as a bridge to connect people and other cultures together.

So, World Radio Day is a very important day for us.  Lets get-together to celebrate the importance of the  Radio and we should try to brighten - up its' prospects further in the future !!!

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

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