Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The World

The world, where we are living is a wonderful place.  One can experience a lot more things in this earthly world.  If we donate good things to the world, it will shine back to us, but if we give inferior things to the world, it will give imperfect results.  

Now-a-days, people go behind materialistic gains, such as money, wealth, profit, business and the humanity will go down to the bottom of the list.   Many people get more things and majority will get less things.  So the world is being imbalanced.  I think everyone living in this world should have same possessions - water, food, shelter, love, education, support, medicines and spirituality.  World has been isolated from good qualities now.  Almost, several people and countries are under massive problems due to some unethical problems.  

This situation will create a bad impact to the world and the living beings, mostly on human beings.  If the people are under pressure, they release an unpleasant ambiance to the nature.  Then the world will get distract and it will reflect  unacceptable atmosphere. This environment will put unnecessary enforcement on people - us, such as droughts, floods, gales, wars, earth slips, earth quakes and tsunami. Then the people are being humiliated by one another.  People will suffer, without water to drink or to do cultivation, starvation, misplacing, diseases, deaths and depression. 

That is why, there are a lot of disputes in the world today.  Various kinds of wars, battles are being spearheaded between religions, races, nations and countries, due to unnecessary differences.  All these conflicts are budding through the minds of people.  Otherwise, there are no any other differences among the skin colour - white or black, religion, race, nations, etc.  Blood is red in everyone's body.   But the angle and the way of looking at things are different.  World will react against these differences by putting pressure on natural forces.  If the nature is unpleasant, it thwack on people unhealthily.  

To make this world a paradise, we  - human beings should grow better qualities within themselves. To do this, we should see through our hearts and inner truth.  We should love each other and help each other, whenever the need arises.  We must respect each other and respect to ourselves, as well. We have to spread love, gratitude, peace and value among everyone's lives, socially and spiritually. We should keep the ego aside and treat everybody in the same way.  

I want to see a wonderful change in the near future through-out the world.  All of us love to see a breathtaking beauty of nature with full of fauna and flora.  I believe that all of us love to live in a peaceful, friendly and creative Mother Earth.  Perhaps, if all of us try to change the world into a welcoming atmosphere, without wars and unpleasant disputes, we can win the world.

Hey, do not think it is too late. Still we can change the world into a heaven! Therefore, please come forward to change the world to a rose-coloured and tranquil Mother Nature!!!

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

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