Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Happy Anniversary Mother Lanka!

Independence! Freedom!! Sovereignty!!!

I wish you a Bright, Great and Prosperous future ahead!!!

Today, the 4th of February, 2015, we - Sri Lankans proudly celebrate our 67th Independence Day.   In 1948 Sri Lanka got the independence from British Rulers, after diverse years of captivity by foreign rulers.

From the 16th century, some coastal areas of the country were ruled by Portuguese, Dutch and British Rulers.  Sri Lanka was ruled by 181 Kings and Queens from Anuradhapura to Kandy periods.  After 1815, the entire nation was under British Colonial Rule and armed uprisings against the British took place several times and finally the independence was granted in 1948.  - History of Sri Lanka :// _Sri Lanka

Independence Day is being celebrated on the 4th of February in every year in Colombo and a big crowd gather to the place, where the celebrations are going-on, including the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers.   Independence Day or National Day is a public holiday for the whole country to enjoy the liberty with family and friends.

Yes, of course, we are independent from the foreign rulers now, but this is an excellent time to ask from us and everyone whether we got the full freedom????    Can we say "Yes, certainly", as a straight forward answer, according to our conscience for this question???  Though we have freedom of talking, walking and working, whole nation has been divided into political, social, religious and ethnic differences everywhere in the country. 

Ethnic war has come to an end after 30 years of dark and drastic period.  Whole country, including Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims and burghers were suffered immensely by terrorism.  A large amount of people was dead, injured, misplaced, lost all their shelters, belongings and loved ones.   At last, the war was over, thanks to the three forces and political parties.  We have to bow our heads to the patriots, who shed their tears, blood and sacrificed their lives. 

Though the ethnic violence was over, during the past several decades, murders, kidnaps, domestic violence, rapes, abuse, injustice, political and social disputes have been raised in the country.  These outrageous actions of minority of the nation spoil the whole country's peace.  It blemishes people's day-today life and majority would suffer from those bad behavioural activities.

This is the superb time we should take the lead to be united with each person, irrespective of race, caste, religion and all the differences to enjoy the real freedom of our home land - Sri Lanka.   Without unity, we can never be achieved the desired goals of actual freedom, independence or sovereignty.  We have to treat each other as oneself.  We should not like to get humiliated by others.  All of us, as one nation, should stand - up together to spread the peace and freedom  from our residence, village and through-out the country, keeping aside the racial, national, religious and ethnic problems.  We should think all of us are offspring of Mother Sri Lanka.  We have to live under one roof and one flag, as one family. 

We should not be slaves of the history.  First of all, we should take liberty to correct ourselves by eliminating all the unfavourable habits and actions.   We should hold hands to bring the justice to the country again and swab - out the injustice.  All should get-together to bring back the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean" back to its' position.

Api okkoma rajawaru - Okkoma  vasiyo – Thun Sinhalayama Nadayo
Api okkoma piyawaru– Okkoma mawwaru – Thun Sinhalayama Du Daruwo..”  - Sung by Victor Ratnayake
All of us are kings – all of us are citizens  - We all are relations of Sri Lanka
We all are fathers – all are mothers – All of us are children of Sri Lanka (English Translation)


- (Mrs.) Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

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