Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Young Age

Young age is also a marvelous age in the life.  Youngsters are full of strength, energy and courage.  They try to explore the world with eagerness and with enthusiasm.  Their hearts are full of love.  They can award a lot of things to the world by learning and gaining experience. 

They should listen to their parents, elders and the society.  They can make a huge change in the planet.  They should not go after wrong.  They should try to be honest, faithful and dutiful.  They are the future of the world. 

The adults should not find wrong in their activities always.  They should not be criticized and their actions should be welcome and if there are any mistakes, they should be taught correctness of their activities. 

Young blood is aggressive.  But, it can be calm by loving them and welcome them, as they are into the society.  Like adults, they do not have much experience in life, but nowadays, they are the genius of the current world and new fields like technology, computing and science.  So, adults should learn from them the new fields and must teach them the value of the good behaviour.  Also, they should be taught and made them listen to the adults and make the world better by learning from the adults' life experience ! 

We must understand the needs of the young.  We must convince them that they are part of the world and they are the leaders of the world tomorrow.  We must make them to understand their position in the present context properly and accurately.  Afterwards, we should give them remarkable roles for them to achieve their goals.  Young are the strength of one's nation and country.   Likewise, every country must have a good and better young people to make their country a rose garden, without hassle, war and unnecessary battles. 


- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

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