Sunday, July 12, 2015



Jaya Shri Maha Bodhi Tree is situated in Anuradhapura, which is the capital city of North Central Province of Sri Lanka.  It is said to be the southern branch of the Shri Maha Bodhi at Buddhagya, India, which is known as the oldest tree in the world.  It is, also, known as the "Sacred Bodhi Tree", under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment.  Some says that this is a sapling of sacred Jaya Shri Maha Bodhi of Buddha Gaya in India.  Whatever, it is belonging to the Sacred Bodhi Tree, under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. 

After Arahath Mahinda, who was the son of King Asoka, then emperor of India, brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka from India, King Devanampiyatissa requested King Asoka to send some sacred treasure of Lord Buddha from India, under Arahath Mahinda's advice.  So, the King Asoka sent his daughter, Sangamitta Therani, who is the sister of  Mahinda with the branch of Shri Maha Bodhi Tree to Sri Lanka by a beautiful ship.  She has been first landed at  "Mathagal", a village situated in the Jaffna Peninsula and handed - over the plant to King Devanampiyatissa.   

This sapling planted in the "Mahamewna Park" in Anuradhapura by the King Devanampiyatissa, while chanting "seth pirith" by the Buddhist Monks, with a great ceremony, in the presence of large number of assemblage with royal guests.  This sapling was planted in Anuradhapura 247 years before Christ was born and on an "Uduvap Full Moon Poya Day" in the month of December.  This was planted in the 3rd century B.C.   It was planted on a high terrace of 6.5 meters from the ground and surrounded by railings to protect from wild elephants.  It is recorded in the ancient Pali and Sinhala Books that eight seedlings from this tree were planted in eight selected places in Sri Lanka and one at the "Dambakola Patuna", where Sri Sangamitta Thera landed with this plant.  

Several Kings in Sri Lanka took several steps of protection of this Sacred Tree, by putting up a wall and a water canal around it.  At present, the canal is not to be seen, but there is a Golden Fence around the Sacred Tree.  Other fig trees also give the full security to this Sacred Tree, by storms and other animals, such as monkey, bats, etc.  

This Sacred Tree "the Shri Maha Bodhi" in Anuradhapura is known as the oldest tree in the world, with a recorded history of 2260 years. This Sacred Tree is very worthy and a leading light to Buddhists in Sri Lanka and all around the world.  We can be proud, as a nation that the oldest tree is situated in our country - Sri Lanka.  

It had some illnesses some years back and then government has taken immediate measures to treat the sacred tree by the foreign phytologists.  This Sacred Tree is a Great Mature Giant for our nation and the country.  It is like the heart of Buddhists.  Buddhists are keeping Bodhi poojas, offering milk rice, worshiping with flowers, oil lamps, making vows and telling all of their enormous problems to this sacred tree, as if telling to an existing Lord Buddha.  They make several wishes under this Sacred Tree, with a belief that their wishes will be fulfilled.  There are a plenty of worshipers are going there through - out the year and observing precept (Atasil) on the full moon poya days here.  This Sacred Tree is very famous all over the planet.   It is our - Sri Lankans duty and responsibility to protect this dignitary tree for the future!  


**Abstracted some phrases from and and Junior Observer of 15th December, 2015.

- Mrs. Shrimal C. Wickremasinghe - 

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