Wednesday, April 22, 2015



Health is the most profitable thing we ever have in our earthly life.  It is said by our Lord Buddha as "Arogya Parama Labha".   The meaning of this saying is " Health is the noble profit in this life".  I am cock sure that everyone in this world will agree with me in this saying.  There is no any other betterment in any illness from cold to any other serious sickness.

When you talk about health, we cannot forget our mental health.  Always, body sicknesses will have a connection with mental illness.  If you are mentally depressed, your body will react accordingly. That means, your body, too, will show some ailment tallying with the mental illness.  

International Health also called as "Geographic Medicine" or "Global Health".  Health Care, generally attached with public health.  There are several Institutions, Agencies and Organizations, includiing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), working with the public health and medicines. We must take necessary preventive measures to avoid spreading the sicknesses.  Since the world population is increasing day-by-day, the sicknesses will be increased automatically, because of the environmental pollution.  Therefore, we must take every measures to prevent and avoid spreading the germs of all kinds of sicknesses among the human community.  Despite medical treatment, we have to improve sanitary, water supply, nutritious food, housing, proper education to safeguard citizens' health.  

There are a plenty of days, nominated for curing the Health of the people in the globe.  ( Monitor).

But, still the sicknesses are increasing all over the world, such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, heart ailments, blood pressure, cancer, AIDS, Ebola, etc.  Infectious diseases kill approximately fifteen million people each year and more than four million people die from AIDS, malaria or tuberculosis alone, around the globe.

Even in wealthy countries, you will experience the sickness of consumption of drugs, obesity, diabetes and heart ailments are spearheaded among their nation, as well.  Therefore, we have to get necessary measures, country-wise, nation-wise and religious-wise.  People should be educated via announcements, newspapers, new technology, banners, radio, television, CDs, VCDs, movies and so on.  Still we can use the social networking websites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Twoo,  Google, Linkedin, etc. to educate people and younger crowd to refrain from various diseases, which can be prevented easily.   

Process of eating habits, too, will improve the mental and physical health.  Rather than eating short-eats, snacks, oily and fatty foods from outside, it is better to have the home-made food with full of nutrition, such as Cabrohydrates, Vitamins, Iron and Fiber,  Always try to eat natural things, fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, leafy green vegetables, eggs, hereditary food and consume plenty of water.  Always, try to be in cleanliness.  

Please get-together to make Healthy People! Prevention is better than cure!! Long Lives!!! 

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