Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The World

The world, where we are living is a wonderful place.  One can experience a lot more things in this earthly world.  If we donate good things to the world, it will shine back to us, but if we give inferior things to the world, it will give imperfect results.  

Now-a-days, people go behind materialistic gains, such as money, wealth, profit, business and the humanity will go down to the bottom of the list.   Many people get more things and majority will get less things.  So the world is being imbalanced.  I think everyone living in this world should have same possessions - water, food, shelter, love, education, support, medicines and spirituality.  World has been isolated from good qualities now.  Almost, several people and countries are under massive problems due to some unethical problems.  

This situation will create a bad impact to the world and the living beings, mostly on human beings.  If the people are under pressure, they release an unpleasant ambiance to the nature.  Then the world will get distract and it will reflect  unacceptable atmosphere. This environment will put unnecessary enforcement on people - us, such as droughts, floods, gales, wars, earth slips, earth quakes and tsunami. Then the people are being humiliated by one another.  People will suffer, without water to drink or to do cultivation, starvation, misplacing, diseases, deaths and depression. 

That is why, there are a lot of disputes in the world today.  Various kinds of wars, battles are being spearheaded between religions, races, nations and countries, due to unnecessary differences.  All these conflicts are budding through the minds of people.  Otherwise, there are no any other differences among the skin colour - white or black, religion, race, nations, etc.  Blood is red in everyone's body.   But the angle and the way of looking at things are different.  World will react against these differences by putting pressure on natural forces.  If the nature is unpleasant, it thwack on people unhealthily.  

To make this world a paradise, we  - human beings should grow better qualities within themselves. To do this, we should see through our hearts and inner truth.  We should love each other and help each other, whenever the need arises.  We must respect each other and respect to ourselves, as well. We have to spread love, gratitude, peace and value among everyone's lives, socially and spiritually. We should keep the ego aside and treat everybody in the same way.  

I want to see a wonderful change in the near future through-out the world.  All of us love to see a breathtaking beauty of nature with full of fauna and flora.  I believe that all of us love to live in a peaceful, friendly and creative Mother Earth.  Perhaps, if all of us try to change the world into a welcoming atmosphere, without wars and unpleasant disputes, we can win the world.

Hey, do not think it is too late. Still we can change the world into a heaven! Therefore, please come forward to change the world to a rose-coloured and tranquil Mother Nature!!!

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015



Valentine's day is being celebrated by many countries of the world on 14th of February, each year, though it is not a public holiday.   This, of course, known as "Saint Valentine's Day", as well. Actually, what is this Valentine's Day?

In ancient days, Priest Valentine of Rome has performed weddings for soldiers, who were forbidden to marry in Rome, under Roman Emperor.  As a result, though St. Valentine was imprisoned by then Emperor of Rome, he was remembered by everyone as "Saint Valentine" and this 14th of February became a world famous Valentine's Day.  But, there is no link of Valentine and romantic love until 14th century.  

In this scenario, this day came into consideration of young lovers in the recent days.  On this day, couples are exchanging red roses, gifts, candy and Valentine Greeting Cards.  A lot of programs are being organized by several social institutions to entertain young lovers.  They arrange fun trips to beautiful places, parties and festivals for romantic lovers to participate in them.   

Do we need a particular day to love and being loved?  Can't we love each other every day and keep our hearts full of romance in every minute?  Ask your heart and let me have a proper answer for this question. Perhaps, some people would like to celebrate a particular day of Love.  But, think twice!!! We cannot go on, without love.  

We need love from somebody.  Our planet is floating on love.  Without love, we cannot think of anything.  Every man and woman need love.  Love can bring any hard bitten person to a mild and tender-hearted person.    

Everybody expect love from their closely associated family members, friends and mates.  Animals and birds, too, need love.  Love birds are famous among lovers.  All living beings need love and romance.  Love spreads over generations to generations.  Real love cannot welcome hatred, jealous or antagonism.  

Let's keep love and romance with us all day long!  Love should not last!  Love does not have any barriers, such as age, colour, race or religion.  So, we celebrate Valentine's Day every second of the Year, until the world famous Love Day of 14th of February will be dawning!!! 

Keep Love! Keep Romance! Keep life moving forward ..................!!!

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

The World

The world, where we are living is a wonderful place.  One can experience a lot more things in this earthly world.  If we donate good things to the world, it will shine back to us, but if we give inferior things to the world, it will give imperfect results.  

Now-a-days, people go behind materialistic gains, such as money, wealth, profit, business and the humanity will go down to the bottom of the list.   Many people get more things and majority will get less things.  So the world is being imbalanced.  I think everyone living in this world should have same possessions - water, food, shelter, love, education, support, medicines and spirituality.  World has been isolated from good qualities now.  Almost, several people and countries are under massive problems due to some unethical problems.  

This situation will create a bad impact to the world and the living beings, mostly on human beings.  If the people are under pressure, they release an unpleasant ambiance to the nature.  Then the world will get distract and it will reflect  unacceptable atmosphere. This environment will put unnecessary enforcement on people - us, such as droughts, floods, gales, wars, earth slips, earth quakes and tsunami. Then the people are being humiliated by one another.  People will suffer, without water to drink or to do cultivation, starvation, misplacing, diseases, deaths and depression. 

That is why, there are a lot of disputes in the world today.  Various kinds of wars, battles are being spearheaded between religions, races, nations and countries, due to unnecessary differences.  All these conflicts are budding through the minds of people.  Otherwise, there are no any other differences among the skin colour - white or black, religion, race, nations, etc.  Blood is red in everyone's body.   But the angle and the way of looking at things are different.  World will react against these differences by putting pressure on natural forces.  If the nature is unpleasant, it thwack on people unhealthily.  

To make this world a paradise, we  - human beings should grow better qualities within themselves. To do this, we should see through our hearts and inner truth.  We should love each other and help each other, whenever the need arises.  We must respect each other and respect to ourselves, as well. We have to spread love, gratitude, peace and value among everyone's lives, socially and spiritually. We should keep the ego aside and treat everybody in the same way.  

I want to see a wonderful change in the near future through-out the world.  All of us love to see a breathtaking beauty of nature with full of fauna and flora.  I believe that all of us love to live in a peaceful, friendly and creative Mother Earth.  Perhaps, if all of us try to change the world into a welcoming atmosphere, without wars and unpleasant disputes, we can win the world.

Hey, do not think it is too late. Still we can change the world into a heaven! Therefore, please come forward to change the world to a rose-coloured and tranquil Mother Nature!!!

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe - 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

World Radio Day!

World Radio Day is being celebrated on February 13th of every year.  The radio was invented by an Italian Scientist Guglielmo Marconi and as a result of this invention, Marconi won the Nobel Prize in Science in 1909.  Wow!!! Marcorni, we thank you profusely for this precious and valuable invention, as it was the main structure, which derived to find many more technologies, such as Internet, Mobile Communication, etcetera to help everyone in the globe to make use of them to proclaim innumerable wondrous things around the planet!  Through this system, you can reach anyone in an isolated area and it will help in numerous way to the young crowd, who cannot stay without mobiles, i-pods, i-pads, tablets and many more present-day technological equipment. ( of Radio)

After about 100 years of period, many people involved in bringing the radio in the current configuration.  Several people started their experiments on connection between electricity and magnetism.  After a hard work carried-on by then scientists, electromagnetism has been developed by James Clerk Maxwell, which prognosticated the existence of electromagnetic waves.  While using the electromagnetism, scientists gradually found wireless telegraphy and developed its' component upto the current formation.  Several electrical or electromagnetism signals can be transmitted over a significant distance, without interceding wires.   
( radio day)

Wireless sounds can be transmitted through ground and water, as well.  This is very useful for sailors.  They can send messages through wireless radios to another ship or to shore (may be through an antenna).  This method will help lot of travelers, who are thousands of miles in the sea away from the ground.  If they face any danger, they can communicate at once with the shore.  It will help to detect the spot, where those who are in danger and to prevent from accidents or deaths.

Radios are still in use everywhere in the globe.  Anyone can get any news, information from the other end of the world directly then and there.  In 1969, July 20th,  when the Apollo 11 was gone to the moon with Neil Armstrong and few others, I could remember listening to the news telecast through a small Unic Transistor radio, then we had in Sri Lanka, about the journey to the moon.  Still, I enjoy listening the radio, while I am doing house chores and working on my computer.  But, the new radio has much more facilities, rather than the Unic Transistor  Radio, I was listening to, during several decades ago.  

Radio sets, too, are being modified, like any other instrument, which are prevailing in the planet at this moment.  It is more compatible to the present-day world.  It is a multimedia component and is combined with cassettes, which we can put CDs and to hear only songs or any other communication.  This will help housewives to get the news and some entertainment or to communicate, while attending to their routine work at home.   

Still the security forces in all countries use radio systems to send and receive messages from their counter parts about sudden mishaps, accidents, news or any other important announcements. All the newest technological gadgets, which are being used by majority of the people of the world, specially young people, relate to these radio systems.  So, the radio is playing the major role, as a bridge to connect people and other cultures together.

So, World Radio Day is a very important day for us.  Lets get-together to celebrate the importance of the  Radio and we should try to brighten - up its' prospects further in the future !!!

- Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

Friday, February 6, 2015

ජීවිතයේ  අසිරිමත් අවදිය පාසැල් කාලයයි!

"නෙලුම් මල් පිපුණු දෙවැට දිගේ පාසැල් ගිය කාලේ............................
තවත් වරක්.........., තවත් වරක් මට පාසැල් යන්නට ලැබුනොත් මම යනවා............
තවත් වරක්.......... තවත් වරක් මට පාසැල් යන්නට ලැබුනොත් හරිම අගෙයි...........! " - ක්ලැරන්ස් විජේවර්ධන

දුවේ, පුතේ, ඔයාලා ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුගෙන් හෝ ඔයාලගේ අම්මිගෙනුයි, තාත්තිගෙනුයි ඇහැව්වොත්, එයාලගේ ජීවිතයේ ප්‍රියතම කාලය මොකක්ද කියල, ඔයාල දන්නවද ඒ හැම කෙනෙක්ම දෙන උත්තරය?  එයාල එකපාරටම කියයි, "අපි ඉස්කෝලේ ගිය කාලය" කියල.  එහෙම කියන වෙලාවට එයාලගේ ඇස් දීප්තිමත් වේවි, කට කොණකට සිනාවක් නැගේවි! ඒ මොකද දන්නවද?  එයාල ඒ වෙලාවට ඒ ඉමිහිරි අතීතයට නොදැනුවත්වම ගිහින් නිසා.  ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, ඔයාල නම්, මගේ අදහස් එක්ක දැන් එකඟ වෙන එකක් නැහැ.  නමුත් මම දන්නවා, පුංචි ඔයාලත් වැඩිහිටියන් බවට පත් උනාම, මගේ අදහසට එකහෙලාම එකඟ වේවි කියල.

දැන් නම් ඔයාල හිතනවා ඇති,  "අනේ ඉස්කෝලේ යන එක කොයි තරම් අමාරුද?" කියල. මොකද............උදේ නැගිටින්න ඕනේ, පාඩම් කරන්න ඕනේ, හැමදාම ඉස්කෝලේ යන්න ඕනේ, ගෙදර වැඩ කරන්න ඕනේ, නැත්නම් ගුරුවරුන්ගෙන් බැනුම් අහන්න ඕනේ.  එහෙම නේද?  සමහර විට ඔයාල ගේ ළඟ ඉස්කෝලෙකට යන්නේ නැත්නම්, ගොඩාක් පාන්දරින් වාහනවල හිර වෙලා, තද වෙලා යන්න ඕනේ.  ඒවා පුංචි ඔයාලට අමාරු නැහැ'යි කියල මම කියන්නේ නැහැ.  ඒත්........... පුතේ දුවේ, ඔයාල වැඩිහිටියන් උනාම ඔයාලට වැටහේවි, ඒවා මොන ප්‍රශ්ණද කියල. 

ඉස්සර මම පුංචි කාලෙත් ඔයාල වගේ හිතුව තමයි.  මම හිතුවේ අපේ තාත්තලට නම් තමන්ට  ඕනේ දවසට, වැස්ස දවසට එහෙම ගෙදර ඉන්න පුළුවන්, සල්ලි ලැබෙනවා, එයාලට ඕනේ ඕනේ දේවල් ගන්න පුළුවන් කියල.  ඒත් .......... මම වැරදි බව මට වැටහුනේ ඊට ගොඩක් කාලෙකට පස්සේ.  රැකියාවක් කරන්න ගත්තට පස්සේ, තමන්ගේ හිතුමතේට ගෙදර ඉන්න පුළුවන්කමක් නැහැ.  එයාලට අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම සම්පුර්ණ කළ යුතු වැඩ කොටසක්  තියෙනවා. නිවාඩු තියෙන්නෙත් අවුරුද්දටම සීමිත ප්‍රමාණයක් විතරයි.  ගුරුවරුන්ට හැර, අනිත් රැකියාවල නියුතු අයට ඔයාලට වගේ නිවාඩු නැහැ.  ගුරුවරුන් උනත්, ඔයාල වගේ පාසැල ඉවර උනාම ගෙදර ගියත්, එයාලට අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම කළ යුතු වැඩ කොටසක් ගෙදර තියෙනවා.  ඒවගේම පසුවදා, ඔයාලට ඉගැන්විය යුතු පාඩම් වලට ලක ලැහැස්ති වෙන්න ඕනේ.  ඒවගේම, එයාලට ලොකු වගකීමක් තියෙනවා ඔයාල ගැන.  ඒ කියන්නේ, ඔයාලගේ අනාගතය නියමාකාරයෙන් සකසන එක.  ඒක ඔයාලගේ අම්ම තාත්තට වගේම, අනෙක් ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුට තියෙනවා.   වගකීම කියන දේ, ඔයාල හිතන තරම් ලෙහෙසි පහසු කටයුත්තක් නොවෙයි.  එක හරිම භාර දූර ක්‍රියාවක්. 

ඒ වගේම, ඕනෑම වැඩිහිටියෙකුට තම තමන්ගේ පවුලේ කටයුතු, අසල්වාසීන්ගේ කටයුතු, සමාජ කටයුතු වගේ නොයෙකුත් දේවල්වලට සහභාගී වෙන්න ඕනේ, ඒවායේ වගකීම දරන්න ඕනේ.  නමුත් මොනවද ඔයාලට තියෙන්නෙ? අම්ම තාත්ත ඔයාලට කැමති දේවල් කන්න බොන්න, අඳින්න දීල, ඉස්කෝලේ යන්න අවශ්‍ය දේවල් සපයල දීල,  තවත් අමතර ඔයාල ඉල්ලන දේවල් අරන් දීල, ඔයාලගේ ජීවිතය සර්වප්‍රකාරයෙන්ම සාර්ථක කරන්න, සතුටු දායක කරන්න තමයි එයාලගේ ජීවිතේ කැප කරන්නේ. 

ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, වැඩිහිටියෙක් වශයෙන්, මවක් වශයෙන්, මම මේ කියන්නේ, ඔයාලගේ ඒ සුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය නිකරුනේ, අසුන්දර දේවල් වලින් පුරවා ගෙන, සුණු විසුණු කර ගන්න එපා!  මොකද?  ඒ සුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය ආයෙත් කවදාවත් ඔයාලගේ ජීවිතේට එන්නේ නැහැ.  නමුත්, ඒ මනස්කාන්ත කාලය වැඩදායි විදිහට යොදාගෙන, දෙමව්පියන්, ගුරුවරුන්, වැඩිහිටියන් කියන හොඳ දේවල් හිතට අරගෙන, ඒ අවවාද අනුශාසනා හොඳින් පිළිපැද්දොත්, හොඳින් ඉගෙන ගත්තොත්, ඔයාලාගේ අනාගතය ඉතාම විචිත්‍රවත් ලෙස සකස් කරගන්න  හැකි වේවි! 

ඔයාලට පොතේම ඇලී ගැලී ඉන්න ඕනේ කියල මම කියන්නේ නැහැ.  ඔයාල සෙල්ලම් කරන්න ඕනේ, යහළුවන්ව ඇසුරු කරන්න ඕනේ, සංගීතයට ඇහුම්කන් දෙන්න ඕනේ. සින්දු කියන්න, නටන්න, උත්සව වලට සහභාගී වෙන්න ඕනේ.  ඒ සියලු දේටම කාලය සැකසුරුවම් කමින් බෙදාගෙන, සුදුසු ලෙස කාලය ප්‍රයෝජනයට අරගෙන, ගමට, රටට, ලෝකයට වැඩදායි පුරවැසියන් උනොත්, ඔයාලගේ ලෝකය ආකර්ෂණීය කර ගන්නට හැකි වේවි! ඒ වගේම ඒ තත්ත්වයට ඔයාලට ලඟා වෙන්න  උදවු උපකාර කළ දෙමව්පියන්ගේ, ගුරුවරුන්ගේ සහ සියලු වැඩිහිටියන්ගේ ප්‍රර්ථනා ඉෂ්ඨ කිරීමට ඔයාලට හැකි වේවි!        

ඉතින් දුවේ, පුතේ, ඒ අතිසුන්දර පාසැල් කාලය, ජීවිතය පුරා නොමැකෙන සිහිවටනයක් කර ගැනීමට මතක තබා ගන්න.  එවිට, ඔයාලා  වැඩිහිටියන් වූ විට, පුංචි දුවෙක් පුතෙක් ඔයාලගෙන් "ජීවිතයේ සුන්දරම කාලය මොකක්ද?" කියා විමසු විට, දැන් වැඩිහිටියන් ඔයාලට දෙන උත්තරය වගේම, "අපි ඉස්කෝලේ ගිය කාලය" කියල උජාරුවෙන් කියන්නත්, දීප්තිමත් ඇස් වලින්, කට කොණකට සිනාවක් නඟාගෙන, ඒ අතිරමණීය අතීතයට සිතින් පියමං කරන්නත් පුළුවන් වේවි! 

හිටියොත් හොඳට හැඳී, දෙවියොත් නමට වඳී!

- ශ්‍රිමල් චම්පිකා වික්‍රමසිංහ - 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Happy Anniversary Mother Lanka!

Independence! Freedom!! Sovereignty!!!

I wish you a Bright, Great and Prosperous future ahead!!!

Today, the 4th of February, 2015, we - Sri Lankans proudly celebrate our 67th Independence Day.   In 1948 Sri Lanka got the independence from British Rulers, after diverse years of captivity by foreign rulers.

From the 16th century, some coastal areas of the country were ruled by Portuguese, Dutch and British Rulers.  Sri Lanka was ruled by 181 Kings and Queens from Anuradhapura to Kandy periods.  After 1815, the entire nation was under British Colonial Rule and armed uprisings against the British took place several times and finally the independence was granted in 1948.  - History of Sri Lanka :// _Sri Lanka

Independence Day is being celebrated on the 4th of February in every year in Colombo and a big crowd gather to the place, where the celebrations are going-on, including the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers.   Independence Day or National Day is a public holiday for the whole country to enjoy the liberty with family and friends.

Yes, of course, we are independent from the foreign rulers now, but this is an excellent time to ask from us and everyone whether we got the full freedom????    Can we say "Yes, certainly", as a straight forward answer, according to our conscience for this question???  Though we have freedom of talking, walking and working, whole nation has been divided into political, social, religious and ethnic differences everywhere in the country. 

Ethnic war has come to an end after 30 years of dark and drastic period.  Whole country, including Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims and burghers were suffered immensely by terrorism.  A large amount of people was dead, injured, misplaced, lost all their shelters, belongings and loved ones.   At last, the war was over, thanks to the three forces and political parties.  We have to bow our heads to the patriots, who shed their tears, blood and sacrificed their lives. 

Though the ethnic violence was over, during the past several decades, murders, kidnaps, domestic violence, rapes, abuse, injustice, political and social disputes have been raised in the country.  These outrageous actions of minority of the nation spoil the whole country's peace.  It blemishes people's day-today life and majority would suffer from those bad behavioural activities.

This is the superb time we should take the lead to be united with each person, irrespective of race, caste, religion and all the differences to enjoy the real freedom of our home land - Sri Lanka.   Without unity, we can never be achieved the desired goals of actual freedom, independence or sovereignty.  We have to treat each other as oneself.  We should not like to get humiliated by others.  All of us, as one nation, should stand - up together to spread the peace and freedom  from our residence, village and through-out the country, keeping aside the racial, national, religious and ethnic problems.  We should think all of us are offspring of Mother Sri Lanka.  We have to live under one roof and one flag, as one family. 

We should not be slaves of the history.  First of all, we should take liberty to correct ourselves by eliminating all the unfavourable habits and actions.   We should hold hands to bring the justice to the country again and swab - out the injustice.  All should get-together to bring back the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean" back to its' position.

Api okkoma rajawaru - Okkoma  vasiyo – Thun Sinhalayama Nadayo
Api okkoma piyawaru– Okkoma mawwaru – Thun Sinhalayama Du Daruwo..”  - Sung by Victor Ratnayake
All of us are kings – all of us are citizens  - We all are relations of Sri Lanka
We all are fathers – all are mothers – All of us are children of Sri Lanka (English Translation)


- (Mrs.) Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Kaviyak vage vindinawa - pawanak wage danenawa
muhudak wage kalambila - suwadak wagei adare ......   - Song by Asanka Priyamantha

Feeling like a poem - Feeling like a breeze
Overwrought like an ocean - LOVE is like a lovely fragrance

Love can be defined as "interpersonal relationship between two or more persons".  Love varies from person to person.  Motherly love is the most precious love in this earthly world.  It cannot be compared with any other love.  Mother's love is unconditional and she is prepared to donate her daughter or son to someone else through the marriage. 

Love is like moon.  It is always fresh and young.  Moon will never grow old, although people grow old and mature.  Love between opposite sex is gorgeous and delightful.  Love between youngsters egoistic and selfish.  Majority of them look forward to a glamorous marriage.  

In Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess for the love, beauty, sex and fertility.    In classical mythology, Cupid is the God of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection.  He is often portrayed as the son of the love, Goddess Venus and is known in Latin also as Amor - "LOVE".

There are a lot of stories about love and romance.  Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in his early career about two young star-crossed lovers, whose deaths ultimately reconciled their feuding families.  Though this is a fiction, written by a world famous author - William Shakespeare, it is popular among young couples even today.

Love is namby-pamby among all the people, who are in love, irrespective of age boundaries.  Feeling of love will bring any person to a certain childish state.  Humanity will depend on love in this home of world. 

Every religion says that human beings should love each other.  In Buddhism, it is known as loving - kindness and in Christianity says that to love to your neighbour.   That means we should practice to love all the living beings, including fauna and flora.  

Loving the nature is also a part of love.  If the nature is serene, tender, gentle and warm, it affects our day-today life, as well.  If our planet is full of love, nature will donate the reverberation of same for us. 

Hatred will go parallel with Love and if we miss someone's love, hatred will take its' place automatically.  Some lovers commit suicide on behalf of love.  But the real love is to go-ahead with the life, facing all the barriers and trying to love to love.   There's a saying that "Love is blind".  According to my point of view, not the love, but the lovers are blind.  Am I correct, my dearest friends???

We should completely wash over the hatred from our souls and shake hands with love.   Then there will be no any differences of racial conflicts, religious disputes, colour bars and caste inequality or clan disunity.  We can easily remove wars, fights and hullabaloos and ethnic problems from this world. 

Hey sweethearts!  Please spread love all over the world and make our home a paradise!!! 

- Mrs. Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -