Sunday, February 21, 2016

Think Positively !!!

- Every working day is a fortunate day.  Every working minute is a lucky minute!!!  - Chinese proverb

Every day is a heaven-sent day for all of us.  Therefore, it is our duty to feel the most of it.  A full day is contained 24 hours.  During that period, we spend nearly 8 hours by sleeping and during the rest of the time, we are attending to household chores, to fulfill duties to our loving family members and friends.  Some time we spare to attend our personal needs.  Our thoughts are always with us whatever we do and if we do not think positively in every moment, we are lost creatures. 

One can say that, it is very difficult to think positively at times, when we face to sad events.  For example, sometimes our loved ones will apart from us suddenly, we lose our loved ones, our business will go down, we lose our jobs and we step into unnecessary relationships and suffer a lot.  In those happenings, we shed tears.  Afterwards, we will have to move-on with our day-to-day work.  Since the world is moving ahead, we cannot stay in one place.  A new sun will come in the morning and a new moon will come with a smile in the evening.  Again, another day will dawn with new lives, new ideas and new happenings.  

According to Lord Buddha, every single person or an animal takes a birth will die one day.   That will take place in the same time, even in the womb of the mother (stillbirth), or the same day it takes the birth, or within a day, week, month, a year or after sometime of the birth.  Also, if a thing, which produced will be broken or lost one day.  That event is for sure at any time!!!

Therefore, we have to move - on with the others in the world.  Some people cannot bear this truth, they commit suicide.  But, that is not the last thing we could do.  Our education help us to prevent from those types of things.  Also, our elders, religious priests or teachers help us to refrain from dreadly things.  We should not think the life is over with some unfortunate happenings.  We should understand the reality of this life.  It may be difficult to face the tragical things, which comes into effect in a sudden way.  But, we must be able to face the problem in an intellectual way.  We must face the situation, whether it is good or bad, in an intelligent way.  If we cannot face that situation alone, then we must seek an advice from a person, who is having vast experiences in life.  Everyone face good, bad, happy and unhappy events throughout his/her life.   Everyone lose their loved ones, miss their loved ones, break the relationships, financial problems and several other situations.  Life is full of uncertain happenings.  We have to face them in a positive way.

According to Gautama Buddha, our life is full of labha (profits), alabha (losses), ayasa (disgrace), yasa (prestige), nindaa (blame/indignity), prashansa (respect/dignity), duka (sadness/poverty) and sapa (happiness/luxury).  This concept is common for all the human being in this world. 

Always think positively and act positively for a happy, delightful and blissful life !!!

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