Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Sri Pada is the fourth highest mountain in Sri Lanka.  It is a Holy Mountain.  All four main believers, such as Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Muslims think that the footprint on the top of the Sri Pada Mountain belongs to their Religious Leaders.  Buddhists believe that the sacred Footprint belong to their Lord Buddha, Hindus believe that the sacred Footprint belong to Shiva, Muslims and Christians believe that the Sacred Footprint on the top of Sri Pada Mountain belong to Adam.  That is why that this mountain is called as "Adam's Peak".

There are several other names to Sri Pada.  It is known as "Samanala Kanda" (Butterfly Mountain), as well.  This mountain is located in Central, Sri Lanka.  There are six paths to go to this Holy Mountain.  It is 2,243 meters high (7,359 ft).  A big crowd is climbing this mountain.   The people will start climbing this mountain from the Full Moon Poya Day of December upto Full Moon Poya Day of May, every year.  Other time in the year, it is difficult to climb the mountain due to heavy rains, strong winds and thick mist.  Also the surrounding is mostly forested, there are wild animals and various species.  This mountain is situated in between Ratnapura District and Nuwara Eliya District in Sri Lanka.

People will be starting to climb - up this Holy Mountain in the night, while hoping to see the sunrise early in the morning.  The Sri Lankans are calling this event as "Ira Sevaya".   They come down during the day time.  Buddhists are believing the Sacred Footprint of Lord Buddha and Lord Buddha has gone to Sri Pada Mountain on the invitation of "God Sumana Saman".  There is a belief that, at that time, Lord Buddha has advised God Sumana Saman to take care of "Lanka Dvipa" (The Island of Sri Lanka).

When you climb this Holy mountain, people should be very careful.  That means, they must behave correctly, without taking liquor or not talking nonsense.  Nowadays young crowd is climbing this Holy Mountain for fun, whereas our elders have gone there to worship the "Footprint" with religious mind and heart.  

There is a water stream in the mountain, called "Seetha Gangula".  Water in this stream is very cold and it is believed that the pilgrims should have a bath in this stream and clean themselves, before climbing to the top of the mountain.  Anybody, who goes there first time is called as "kodukaraya" (amateur).

Most of the people start climbing-up this Holy Mountain from the Hatton side and going down from the Ratnapura side, as it is the shortest path to this sacred mountain.   There are shops and boutiques to serve refreshments to the pilgrims along the path to the "Samanala Kanda".  In ancient days, people used to go to Sri Pada, after writing their estates and legacy to their children and grandchildren, because the path of this pilgrimage is very dangerous.  Those people were not sure of coming back to their homes, as the surrounding of Sri Pada was filled with wild animals, such as elephants, leopards and other creatures.  In recent days, the cement steps were built for people to climb-up the mountain easily.  Also, Police Officers and other rescue teams are there, during the season of "Sri Pada" to help the pilgrims.