Friday, December 11, 2015


"Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader"  - Margaret Fuller

Reading is fantastic, if one could have, as a hobby.  If you are used to read, books will be your forever friends, who will be there with you through - out your life.  When you are reading something, may be a book, a newspaper, a magazine, an article or any other document, you can develop your knowledge about the people, art and craft, cookery, food, gardening, landscaping, electrical and electronic equipment, mechanical work, engineering, medicines, medical treatments such as Western and Ayurvedic, continents, countries, animals, birds, insects, species, fish, water, oceans, lakes, rivers, canals, ships, boats, all kinds of vehicles, aeroplanes,  mountains, fauna and flora, indoor games and outdoor games, various climates, prevailing in the world, cinemas, photography, sky and clouds, rain, planets, ancient kingdoms and kings, famous people, great leaders, scientists, human body, geographical situation and whatever you are interested in learning about.  You can gain a vast knowledge of anything and everything by reading.  It will help you to advance your vision and mission.  

From the inception, we should make our children to read about everything, as they are very curious about their neighbourhood, when they are small.  We can start - up with story books and then they will use to read about other subjects, as well.  This will help them to enhance their general knowledge.  Children should not stick only to read their text books, which they use to pass the exams. Children should know about their atmosphere and about the fellow citizens.  Apart from them, they should know about the other species, who are living in their surroundings.  It will support for them to choose their future careers, as well.  

Some children would like to learn about human body and to be doctors, some would like to know about the space and to be space scientists, some may be talented in dancing or music and to be artists, some may like to be media representatives or writers, mechanics, engineers, electricians, teachers and so on. 

Reading will help anyone in this world from young people to elderly people.  Children who used to read from their childhood, will be good in writing, also, because, they are familiar with letters numbers and sentences. They will show extra talent in other subjects in the classroom, as well. Reading should not be framed into one subject or to one topic.  You should read about various fields. Nowadays, apart from hard books, you have electronic books and you can read from Internet, as well. It is a good sign for our children, as they are more attached to Internet related programs now. Reading can be done at home, in the garden, in a park or when you are traveling in an empty bus, train or travelling in an aeroplane or a ship. One way, reading is like one type of a meditation. 

There are things that we need to learn until we go to our grave.  When you grow old, your spouse might die and the children might get married and leave you.  If you are used to read, then you do not feel lonely at any moment.  Remember, Books are good companions !

Reading gives us some place to go, when we have to stay where we are !!!