Sunday, August 2, 2015


Old is Gold

Olden age is the precious age among the three stages in the life.  When you reach to your Old Age, you are thorough in everything.  You have gained a very good experience in life, whatever good or bad.  You know what mistakes you have done previously and at least, now you can put yourselves in the correct path.  Or else, if you think, now you do not have time to adjust, you can, at least, help the youngsters to make their lives perfectly.  Everyone do not get a chance to experience in everything in the life.  You can learn the other things from your friends or relations, what and what hardships they have undergone and what are the things they think to keep - up the lives in a perfect way.

Whatever the experience you gained, it is good, if you keep your health in order.  Must do regular exercises, walk daily, eat healthy food and have a good sleep.  You would have under-gone a tough life in previous days.  So, this is time to rest and keep - up yourselves, without any mental agonies.  

Do not keep grudges against anyone, as it is like you are taking poison, thinking that other person to die.  So, forgive and forget.  This is the time that you really understand, all are not the same. Different people are having different ideas, behaviours and qualities.  So, accept all and you go on your way of quality life.

Don't think much on little things.  There are good and bad things, that you have to undergo, through out your life.  Everyone has to under - go different things during the life path.  So, you are not the first one or the last one that experienced bad things and sad things, as well.  That is the life.  Anyway, at this stage, you faced everything and come upto some extent.  So, you should be happy and now is the time to have fun.

Don't give up love life.  Love you partner, love your family, love your friends and love your neighbours.  Take time to read about love and love everyone, who are around you.

Keep - up your hobbies.  If you don't have one, start now!!!  You can do reading about everything, such as Autobiography of famous people, then you come to know that most of the things that you come across, all the others, too, have come across, upto some extent in their lives.  You can do gardening and when your plants blossom with flowers and fruits, you will be cherished.  You can distribute them among your own family, friends and neighbours.  Then you will feel to grow more and more.  You can write some documentaries, blogs and articles to Newspapers or to the Internet. When they are published, you will cherish and you will feel to write more and more!!! 

Don't give - up to think about your outer personality.  It is worth to take time to go to the salon and make your hair, do a facial, do your eyebrows, manicure and pedicure.  Once in a way, go for a head massage and foot massage.  You will have a thorough relaxation.  

Go to a park and spend time with children.  Go to the beach and look at the waves for sometime.  It will give you a good experience of your life.  Waves are going up and down, as if your life.  There are ups and downs in the life, too.  You can breath good air and can have a good relaxation, when you go to the sea beach.  You can do Yoga or meditation.  That, too, will give you a good relaxation. 

Once in a way go to a coffee shop, lunch or dinner or to a movie with a friend.  You can talk about your past, how you cried on a silly boyfriend and you can have a good laugh.  Now, there is no secrets to cover - up from anyone.  All the stupid things, you have done in your small age and young age, now you can wipe - off with a good laugh!!!

Try to learn something, you loved to learn, such as a different language, to play a musical instrument, or to make cakes or attend to a cookery class.  You can marvel your grandchildren or friends, with what you learn.  

Have chats with youngsters and learn whatever you can get from them.  Don't criticize them or their work! They are the future of this world.  They will direct the world as per their choice and desire. Surely, you can advise them, but not under-estimate their thoughts and work.  They are better in current technology. You can learn them and try to keep an e-mail circle and be a partner of the new techniques.  

Do not take care of what others would think or tell about you.  That is none of your business.  Give them the freedom to think or talk, as per their wish.  You do whatever you like, as far as, your behavior is not guilty or harmful to anyone.  

Go on a trip, once in a way with your family or friends and enjoy the situation.  Attend to the religious activities in the temple or church, weddings, parties, graduations, musical shows.  If you can afford, travel all around the world.   Help the people, whenever you get a chance! Admire other's good qualities!  Praise their good behavior !!  Wish the Best of Luck for others !!!  



- Mrs. Shrimal C. Wickremasinghe -