Sunday, March 8, 2015


 If you are a woman, you can donate everything to every one in every day !!!

Again, another International Women's Day came on 8th of March, 2015.  It is wonderful to wish all the women across the globe A Happy Anniversary of International Women's Day!

When it comes to talk about "Women", we have to consider all the angles of women, such as social, financial, career, politics, marriage, domestic violence, rapes, tortures, physical and emotional side of the women in the world. Women act as several major roles in the society, as a daughter, a sister, a wife and a Mother.    

As a daughter, you are taking care of your parents, helping to their day-to-day work, doing house chores, cooking and preparing meals.  Also, once you educate well, you share the financial burden of your parents, too.   As a sister, you take care of your siblings and helping their educational activities. As a wife, you take care of your husband,  husband's parents and his siblings, as well.  As a mother, you are playing a role model to your adorable children and lovable husband.  

In ancient days, girls were not educated well.  Nowadays, everywhere in the world, girls are taking much interest of educating themselves and make them valuable among the world population.  Women take the lead in every sector of the career and they hold white collar jobs everywhere in the present context. They entered into the political sector and do a great deal of social work to the nation. Fortunately, the society is now try to make a room for the women gradually, but in a slow motion.  

While acting several titles of the society, unfortunately women face domestic violence, rapes, tragic deaths, disrespect, criticism, ignorance, disregard at home, society and her work place, still.  This is a very pathetic situation of women.  Though they bear the major share of the financial situation and attend to other work as well, still she gets disrespects, face domestic violence at home.  She contribute a major share for the economy of a country by working abroad and facing terrible situation in those countries. In my point of view, our society is not taking much consideration of her valuable contribution to the community.  

As far as my knowledge, even the high ranked women face unethical dishonourable and unprincipled incidents in their work place by the male companions.  Regrettably, most of the working women do not know the factual laws of the women's rights.  It is essential to keep seminars, workshops and conferences regularly for women to learn about existent laws against violence, abuse, rapes and all the misconduct being faced by them in their work places, in the society and at home and what action they can take against these improper manners.  

In the meantime, it is necessary to educate our sons from the inception to respect to their mother, and sisters at home, school and in the society.  It will help them to grow - up with open mind and to treat their female companions with equal rights.

Dear women, please try to gain respect by fulfilling your duties to the society, world and generation and spread out love and kindness across the world!  Be straight forward and take another step to prove your strength and courage to stand - up with equal rights with men ! 



Monday, March 2, 2015


Live the life, you've always wanted !!!

What is life?  Can anybody define this word?  In my view, life is a magnificent thing, if one can lead a meaningful and unforgettable life. Life is a spirit, which comes to the world and move away within a duration of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.  Nevertheless, life can stay in the minds of friends, relatives and people in the world, if we can donate treasures to the world.   Only a life lived for others is worth Living.

Ancient lives donated the future lives wonderful things, that cannot be forgettable by anyone today, tomorrow or in future. The things they donated to the world are such precious items, such as medicines, science, technology, education, love, spirituality and the support to the needy.  Unfortunately at the same time, some lives donated bad karma to the world, such as weapons,  guns, pistols, missiles, bombs and drugs, like heroine.

Life made all these things to create another life, develop a life or to end-up a life.  One should giveaway to the world something for a promotional purpose, something helpful or useful to upgrade another life, but not to tarnish a life.  Life's responsibility is to protect a life and not to spoil a life.   Since a life no longer a permanent thing, it is better to understand the reality and the target of life.

We came with life  to this earthly world to fulfill some task.  Therefore, we should  show the aptitude to cover - up its' obligation faithfully.  If we take the correct path, we can manage to achieve the intended assignment.  If it takes the wrong path, then it is the end of the life.  If we take the shorter steps, without facing barriers, using corruption, perhaps, we can enjoy the life only a short period. If we go along the correct and longer path, we have to face barriers and problems, but at the destination, we can be over-joyed by the results. At the end, we gain a lot of experience and can be satisfied with our mission.

Our lives have more powers, though we do not know about it.  One can use this unlimited power and can create a better world.  We are short-term tenants of this earthly world. Some of us understand the truth of a life and some may not.  It is our duty to make a better world for the future generation.

There were lives like, Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, who have spread-out the love and kindness through out the world.  Also, there were some people, who shook - out the world with hatred.  If we want to emulate our lives, we have to take the footsteps of the people, who taught the world "love, affection and kindness".  Then we can be a role model to the future lives and the new generation.  Life is too short to hate anyone.  

Sometimes, life is difficult for us and sometimes it will be smooth and calm.  It is better to face the difficult times and joyous times with a smile, because time will solve all the problems.  In my personal experience, I can guarantee that this is a correct saying. Because nothing will remain unchanged in this world.  Sadness and cheerfulness exchange every time through-out the life.  So, we should be happy and satisfied with what we have.  There are a lot of people, who are less privileged than us.  In that case, we are better- off and at the first instance, must try to support a needy person.  

Life is like a question paper and we have to find out the answers.  Some answers may correct and some may wrong, because we never get a life with an answer sheet.  We may loose in some subjects, but win in some with a highest score.  So, do not worry, live according to your heart!   But, do not forget to love, laugh, cry, worship, thank, support and feel the nature's gifts.  Time will fly and life will over, one day.  Well, live and love fully, have a cup of coffee with friends, make a funny trip with your family and with all these things, do not forget to stop to smell a ROSE!!!

Life is not a bed of Roses, but please don't give-up!!!


- (Mrs.) Shrimal Champika Wickremasinghe -